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Sep 17, 2008
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Ladnil was last seen:
Aug 19, 2020
    1. 4shot
      @First part - most of the wrongful infractions come from the maps section, so that would explain why you don't seem to think many negative things about the staff. The staff in other sections are generally decent. Though the occasional abuse of power thing is still present.

      @Second part - Many users who have not played a map are still able to spam the forums. You can see it just from how repetitive their posts are. The user 'anime halo' is a fairly good example of this. He bases all his reviews off of pictures. The user 'timmypanic', while somewhat less of an effective example of this, also does similar repetitive posts.

      @Third part - Yes, I agree. There is almost always something that sparks the reported post to get infracted, and more often than not, the user who posted prior to you is the more guilty one.

      They should give out warnings more often, because the way they give out infractions is just too opinionated for me to figure out what gets an infraction and what does not.
    2. 4shot
      I wasn't going to give any examples, because I was speaking for the entire community, not myself. Too many wrongful infractions are given out for me to only give myself as an example.
    3. 4shot
      I'm not talking about the staff's treatment towards myself, but of their treatment towards the community as a whole. Like I said many times in that thread, they infract based on opinions. It's just not right.
    4. Erupt
      Lmao... I think we should go back to chiseling words into stone, too.
    5. Noxiw
      Downloaded, I'll check it out tomorrow, I like the title, btw.
    6. Noxiw
      Also, could you show me some time? I am curious now. :)
    7. Noxiw
      Yeah that's fine. If you feel like crediting me for the design, cool, if not, that's fine too. Lol. Reach's framerate issues makes Multicog's style really difficult to work with, so it's yet to be released. Hopefully sometime in the near-ish future.

      Thanks for the heads up though.
    8. Pegasi
      Reflex and Rorak said they were definitely down.
    9. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      That's pretty shitty. It happens though.
    10. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      So, it becomes a kissing contest. I can see how ego's get worked up, especially because of competition.
    11. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      I was reading your convo between Peg and you. What are referring to? The way MLG maps are picked? This is out of curiosity.
    12. Pegasi
      Noob is now officially my favourite pro just for chucking that insane curveball in there. I wish I didn't have to sleep, though I guess I can look forward to a whole bunch of reading tomorrow.

      Catch you later, man. Stay bootiful.
    13. Pegasi
      Ah OK, I'll check it out too sometime if I get the chance. What are the chances that I'd run in to a hothead called Francis on the same day as seeing that post?

      Is it bad that I'm finding all this drama just a little bit fun?
    14. Pegasi
      1) I love you, and 2) is Francis the guy of the same GT? As in the guy who was in customs earlier, squeaked incessantly, then rage quit because he didn't get Sniper?
    15. RedNeck
      Happy Birthday from a different stranger!
    16. NlBBS
      Happy Birthday from a stranger!
    17. Pegasi
      Thanks man, should have thought of that. Will do.
    18. Pegasi
      Dude, probably a ridiculously stupid question, but how the f do you drop spawn in Reach? I tried editing coordinates but they reset when the weapon falls, tried save quitting whilst holding the weapon in the air but that didn't work either, am I missing something incredibly obvious?
    19. Katanga
      Somebody recommended me the MLG version of Artificial, and I must say I'm very impressed by it. Played it on Slayer Pro because i can't stand MLG, but it worked perfectly. Keep up the good work :)
    20. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Congrats on the feature, my friend.
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