rusty eagle
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May 28, 2016 at 5:21 PM
Dec 11, 2007
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rusty eagle

Ancient, from Georgia

Senior Member
rusty eagle was last seen:
May 28, 2016
    1. Pegasi
      I'd go for 2, but Armageddon is fine as well tbh.

      Also, I saw the time and wasn't going to fall for that. LOL at 'watch in HD' though.
    2. Pegasi
      You could definitely play it on that laptop.
    3. Pegasi
      Ok, so Worms 2 and Worms Armageddon (the proper ones) are Windows only, but that Xbox one you mentioned is available on Mac. I'll try and get hold of that, but I should be getting a boot camp partition with Win7 going in the next couple of weeks anyway, so Windows shouldn't be a problem.
    4. Pegasi

      *Looks in to Worms for Mac*
    5. Pegasi
      Playing it on a console is sacrilege.

      Guessing Worms 2: Armageddon is a console version, because Worms: Armageddon was effectively Worms 3 in terms of the PC versions. I always thought that 2 was awesome (more options for tweaking weapon damage etc. which brought a lot of custom funtime), but Armageddon was also pretty awesome. Might even wana check out 1 at some point just cause it was so classic, but be warned that it does look AWFUL in graphical terms.

      There's really nothing that I can compare it to, but just trust me that turn-based play is thoroughly rooted in how it works.
    6. Ladnil
      Yup. MLG lets the pros vote to decide what maps do/don't get on the circuit, and they do next to nothing to make sure the pros who are voting are actually familiar with the test maps.
    7. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Christmas? In May? Does that mean I get the next week off?!?
    8. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      You need to change your avvy goof-ball. It hasn't been Christmas five months!
    9. Erupt
      Hey, I need to mellow out some of the inclines on Ambiance. People have been and continue to complain about their steepness. I'm only doing this to a few at the moment, perhaps more eventually.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Okay yeah, you hit all of my concerns too, so they weren't unfounded.

      I haven't read it through since I wrote it so I'll do that later today.

      In essence, clarify the speaker (I was using punctuation to show that, but I guess I'll change that). Expand the narrative with the girl to contrast with the inner monologue.
    11. Matty
      sure man, i'm on most of the time. Got some friends round at the mo. I can talk but i won't be doing any work.
    12. Matty
      I was intending it to be a sort-of, ship of the line class frigate. You would get that mix of new tech thrown onto the rugged simplicity of old. It would not be build by western civilization, so those expectations would be thrown out the window.

      You have any ideas you want to share?
    13. Matty
      Boredom-induced Frigate


      Used a photograph of a model for reference.

      It's just an idea. I tried more vertical-oriented ones, but they always look a bit foolish and weak. A nice typical organic shape like this allows for some cool interior space, so we can show huge hangars, perhaps even some that you can walk in?

      I think that balance of exotic plating around a rugged metal frame is quite a cool juxtaposition. We could take it further, having much more curvy/pointy plating.

      I was thinking it would be cool to add some wear too. Perhaps it has been in a major confrontation, and is in need of service.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      K I'm sending it now. The final page is still up to editing, the rest I'm pretty happy with, but I'm going to be switching certain phrases around to keep it fresh.

      Rip it to shreds please.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      Tutorials for UDK?
    16. SargeantSarcasm

      I'm rereading all of it (doubled since you saw it) to figure out exactly how it's going to cap off. Then sending it to a bunch of people to read today, then off to the New Yorker :O
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      You should ask her if she's ever gone out with a stud.

      Then when you guys are on the date ask her why she's into wooden horses.

      Then tell her you'll "open her trap door to 'Troy", if she knows what you mean.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Crossing fingers normally invalidates an agreement. You don't want that!
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      In the words of Master Oogway: "probably."
    20. Matty
      Yeh, i thought the automated idea was really cool. It first came from wanting to have some elevators in the distance, if i/we were to do a cityscape, and i was thinking that i would be able to create an elevator model that moved up and down a building with a semi-random script.

      I don't think it should be so hard to take it to the next level, and have full object interactions. My idea was to have a tram roll in every few minutes, with doors opening and closing. This could all be out of contact with players, so there is no issue with escaping or messing up the scripts. It would somehow unload freight, which could be carried on a conveyor belt or craned (i was thinking of trying a 'magnetic' crane) into a deck on the ship and out of sight.

      You could also have piping and cables being inserted into different docks along the ship, and perhaps a crane with a sort-of car-wash mechanism, polishing a perhaps rusty or damaged part of the ship....
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    rusty eagIe
    Ultimate frisbee, sailing, adventures, etc...


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    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> RUSTY EAGLE
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> SEX POSITION
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> AND PART-TIME MAP DOCTOR

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> At your service

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm>"It seems they're still getting spawn trapped..."

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> hahahaha

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "Nurse, I'm going to prescribe something unorthodox"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "What is it doctor?"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "sit on my face and defecate on my chest"

    [rusty eagle] <10:59 pm> hahahahahhahahahhahhhahaah