Hi, Chron. I was wondering, in your sig, I see that you have your name, but with no background. How do you do that exactly? If you don't mind.
...a Longsword thunders past, its afterburner roaring and shaking the whole area. Car alarms go off and buildings shake from the heavy sound waves reverberating around the area. In the distance, two Spartans walk slowly towards their goal, Pythagoras' Balcony. They have come to test their mettle against one another in the name of science. Off the battlefield they are good friends, but on it they become two warriors, intent on besting each other. They are here for one reason. To test the skills of one brave map-maker, intent on finding glory. The Spartans make their way onto the field of battle. They choose their loadouts. The battle begins.
1. I have to refresh the page to see new things in the chatbox. 2. Did you get skype yet? 3. If the answer to number two is yes, what is your skype name? 4. If the answer to number two is no, :/
Thanks for the feedback. I have a question for CTF spawning. Right now, spawning on your side if the map doesn't always happen, and you'll spawn near the enemies flag or on there side. So my question is: is it ok with spawning on the wrong side sometimes, or should there be spawning on your side only within LoS sometimes? It's a really small map, so i dont think I can get it working right 100%.
lol alright cool. well hey, I have realllly messed with the spawn system for the entire map, and CTF, so a couple hours from now I'll post new links on the preview. So I suggest not playing CTF right now lol
So hey, I was wondering if you were going to do a TG write up of purification? If i have the wrong person I'm really sorry lol