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May 25, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Feb 3, 2011
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Sep 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
Chicago, Illinois

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Forerunner, from Chicago, Illinois

Forge Critic Senior Member
Eightball was last seen:
May 25, 2015
    1. JGarb
      I wish, I cant get on. Got into sh*t lol, sorry bebe. I started a new competitive map and a "real" mini game.
    2. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      yeah fairly busy man, working and college are a killer atm. Sadly my playing days are over for the forseable future. You been up to much?
    3. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Pretty good thanks how you doin?
    4. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Yer thanks bro! :)
    5. hollow123
    6. AtlasIsShruggin
      Hey just posted another map thats again a bit of a departure from my norm.

    7. hollow123
      and also thanks again for all the help! ;)
    8. hollow123
      Well you'll be happy to know I finnally got around to it and I feel it came out very nice, but a lot smaller than I wanted and the end product was a lot different from what I planned, but nice none the less! I'll probally post it to "Forgehub" over the weekend and I think you'll like it! It's a 2v.s.2 map for the most part that or a 1v.s.1 very fun though with a good weapon and spawn set! Plus I have also hid a Spartan Laser in the map for some extra custom game FUN!!! Hope you'll enjoy it when I get it up! :D
    9. JGarb
      screw homework, im getting on. Want to meet me?
    10. JGarb
      Uh I'm not sure ill be on, **** ton of homework. I don't know why I'm on FH anyway haha. But ill be on later this week.
    11. JGarb
      vs. Foxacox..
    12. Ajc 27
      Ajc 27
      Thanks man, im thinking about changing my GT to > :L lol no you dont get too see :D < or il make a second account for forging called that...im sick of ajc 27 ¬_¬
    13. AtlasIsShruggin
    14. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Checked the thread out and read the replies. If I get a chance to test it in person Ill write a thougtful reply. On a second note, if someone tells you to forge a certain way (as was the case in a few of the replies) I suggest ignoring it. The problem these days is that too many people try to conform to what the community thinks is good. All diversity in maps is being lost. It was the case with Halo 3 after a while and Reach looks to be going the same way. I think a Unique and Original style of forging is what everyone should be trying to achieve. You do this with most of your maps so I suggest ignoring comments telling you to do otherwise.
    15. AtlasIsShruggin
      Anthem is finished and posted!

      Thanks again for the inspiration!
    16. hollow123
      So I'm gonna be starting on the project hopefully over the weekend and get it set up for my game mode, but it's probably gonna be set as a fairly small map as to do the fact that the map is primarily built off of the game mode. The game mode is set up as a tactical game with 2 players being on each team and having to depend on there partner with each player having one life its set up to have a maximum of 8 players. So my goal is to have it be a small map but stacked up a lot with many narrow parts and a large main room much based off countdown! I'm hopping to have that crazy fast paced action while still trying to play smart with your partner. This is the main idea for the project and don't worry I'm not a bad map maker (yes, that was called being conceded lol) so I hope to meet some good expectations! Tell you when it's done and keep you posted, thank you for all your work! :D
    17. hollow123
      Thank you for your help its greatly appreciated! I'v been working on some of my own maps similar to yours, because i built a new game mode that plays real tactical and I loved your maps when playing my game-mode that it inspired me to ATTEMPT to make a fairly similar map (of course won't be anything compared to yours lol). Still thank you none the less and hope i will maybe someday post it here and will see who's better (lol). Thank you! :D
    18. hollow123
      Out of curiosity, I'v noticed that nature maps you make, you use the same tree in it. Can you please tell me where this tree is located? I would like to produce a similar map, but when i look for a tree that stands alone, i can never find it. This is why i ask. So if you can i would like if you could tell me where this tree is.

      I'm guessing you don't get this a lot (lol). Hope you can help! :D
    19. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Don't worry so much about other people. Be nice, but don't go out of your way to tell them they ****ed up.
    20. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I agree he shouldn't troll, but you should also not respond to trolls, because it just fuels them.
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  • About

    Sep 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Chicago, Illinois
    NEW GT: Fearsly
    Halo 4's forge ****ing blows.

    BasketballBasketballBasketball, Forge, Erupt horn tooting., Pool, Video games, Skeet Shooting.