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Oct 7, 2010
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Forerunner, Male, from Ohio

Forge Critic Senior Member

stop looking at my profile page Apr 7, 2016

Erupt was last seen:
Dec 18, 2017
    1. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Hey Erupt, could you possibily be the main capture person for my TGV. I need someone to do eet, and most of the people who have their names down as capture people are busy. If you can, watch this thread for updates on whats happening.
    2. Pegasi
      Awesome man. I warn you though. I WILL pull host, and therefore you WILL lose.
    3. Pegasi
      Yeah man np, I love messing around with stuff like this so feel free to ask me anything. I'm not actually very knowledgable but I know the basics and like snooping around on the net to learn more when something pops up.
    4. Pegasi
      You want something like this basically. Be sure that the input is component and output is HDMI, as that one is.
    5. Pegasi
      Google's probably your best for the error tbh. And I just looked online and component to HDMI boxes are a little pricey. Not insane, about £30 in funny money, but I should have realised that something involving A/D conversion (since component is analogue and HDMI is digital) would be more than just a simple adaptor plug and there will cost a little more.
    6. Pegasi
      Component to HDMI cable converter should be fine then, just run component in to the PVR, then component out > converter > HDMI port on TV.

      As for the software issue, no idea. I use it with a Mac so I use the EyeTV software, don't even know what Arcsoft looks like I'm afraid.
    7. Pegasi
      Double :(.

      You can get converters and such, since I'm guessing it has HDMI or VGA working or something?
    8. Pegasi
    9. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      alright. So I'm playing some 1v1s on Tumulus already, and you're missing out...oh and purification lol
    10. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      No, it's fine. I asked Crypto on making an sweet video, some video files were needed, and he's busy at the moment anyway. Plus, i can't release it without having everything put together perfectly. :P I want to let you know that I haven't even made my photoshop pictures yet. Now that shows patience lol (or me being busy >.>)
    11. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      lol um idk. I might be on tomorrow after 2pm CST. But a couple hours later, I'm leaving to Mexico.....Missouri.

      Hey, do you have your capture card yet? If so, could you capture some videos of Purification for me?
    12. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Alright, well I'm busy too. I'm picking up my friend tomorrow, so Saturday(tomorrow) through Friday(May6th) I probably won't be playing customs and forging. I will be on sometimes, but I'll be doing other things. I can be on now till 5CST though
    13. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Hey I had a thought. I saw on Noxiw's map/gametype settings that he had no radar for his FFA/TS games. What are you thoughts on having my Purification game setting with no radar? I think it will be more interesting. There's no were to sit and camp, and you know pretty much all the time were someone is when you hear a lift (me at least). We should get a 1v1 or 2v2 on Purification with no radar to try it out. Plus a game on Tumulus!
    14. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      yea, wtf. get on right meow
    15. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Yo bro from Ohio, I'm going to make a map preview of my newest map today. I'm thinking on just naming that one Artifact?...

      EDIT: Nevermind. There's already some maps named that.

      EDIT2: Got a map name. Tumulus: a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves
    16. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      We need to test out my unnamed Map. That is all.
    17. Psychoduck
      Yeah that map was pretty bad dude. Scimitar (Sword Base's awesome little brother) is in my file share if you wanna see what Ive done so far
    18. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Lol well I don't have Artifact anymore, bit I can create a preview of that unnamed map that we need to test.
    19. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      so i thought u were going to make a map preview of Gallant?...
    20. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      I'll PM you how to. I'm going to type a lot lol