rusty eagle
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May 28, 2016 at 5:21 PM
Dec 11, 2007
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rusty eagle

Ancient, from Georgia

Senior Member
rusty eagle was last seen:
May 28, 2016
    1. Matty
      ...I just thought that the big mix of gritty construction materials, high-tech and sleak finishes, all thrown into some secretive and self-sufficient complex would be really cool...

      I'm going to do a few more drawings/models on this anyway. I keep sketching out ideas. I will show you soon!
    2. Matty
      Well do you think it would be a good idea?

      I can't really see anything wrong with doing it together, as opposed to us each doing our own thing in the same software. We can both focus on what we want to learn, and simply put our skills together to generate a better end product, with an easier work-load.

      I have been playing around with some ideas for some kind of Ship refurbishment and re-armament complex over mountainous terrain. It was going to be this sort of multi-leveled complex, built around this really tall, tropical-fish-like ship. I had this idea about having all of these automated machines, refuling, rearming and refurbishing the ship. Trams bringing in cargo, that is lifted by crane and brought on to the ship. The mechanics behind that kind of stuff should be really simple. No more complex than making a ceiling fan. And i think things like that really show off your skill and ambition and require little time at all.

      Buuutttt i'm easy dude. Whatever you...
    3. Matty
      ...think is best is fine by me.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      Your moral sex robot finally has plans?

      pun overload.
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      Decided that I need to finish the Date story for submission to the New Yorker before I do anything else, as that is probably the most accessible story I've written.

      Which will probably be done today as I have nothing else planned.
    6. TantricEcho
      Okay, I was just wondering. I just thought it would be a crazy coincidence if you were him. I hear you though about the years of investment thing, I lost a ship I had saved for a week to get and rage quit. Plus I hated paying through the nose to keep playing. I am however excited for Dust 514, the FPS counterpart that is going to tie directly into EVE online. If you haven't heard about that game, but EVE intrigues you, check it out.
    7. TantricEcho
      You don't happen to be the Rusty Eagle I knew in EVE? I don't even remember the clan name I was in, but there was a member named Rusty Eagle. Do you even play EVE?
    8. Matty
      Well it would be a pretty extensive project, that would involve a lot of planning on the shape, materials, lighting etc.

      I was thinking first we would throw around ideas, and use things like Sketchup to illustrate the general feel. I could then move some rough models into Photoshop, and paint out concepts of what it may look like.

      You can also get a plugin that exports Sketchup models into formats useable by Maya and UDK. I don't know when i'll be getting a new PC or UDK, but regardless, we can do most of the job before we get either.
    9. Matty
      are you interested in making something together?

      i mean we are both going to be trying to achieve ultimately the same thing. It's for the experience, and to have something to show to people in future.

      I throw ideas around a lot, but i am really open to anything. I don't mind what i actually make, and it seems we could use our interests to benefit each other. My goal is simply to create an environment, where the finished product is the result of proper study.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      That noir reality bender novel I told you about. I started it last night. Going to try and do 2k words a night.

      Series is called Eggs, the novel is called "Jack Bivouac and the Tesseract"
    11. Matty

      Yeh already aware of this stuff, but it's a bit plane to run through. I want verticality to be just as an important element.

      Some other stuff;

      Understand what your saying, i'm just trying to think of what kinds of places you would have in a near-future city. There must be traffic hubs, like massive bus stations, huge residence blocks.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      From what I can tell, nobody seems to mind, but it still feels wrong. lol.
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      I feel bad that I get comments similar to that so often in my conversations.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      So you are interacting directly in the environment, you aren't using some mcguffin?
    16. Matty
      I think i'm going to get into UDK pretty soon.

      I have this pretty cool vision for a little environment. I want to make it sophisticated as possible, for it's size, so it appears to be more extensive and complex than it actually is. That should lessen the workload.

      It would be a near-future Japanese street scene, set within a huge authoritarian dystopia. Lots and lots of commercial advertising and censorship propaganda, mixed in with a polluted, densely populated sprawl. The night scene would be illuminated by neon advertisements and signs.

      I'm just trying to tie in my ideas. At the moment i want it to appear like a market street, but it seems too restricting on pathways; typically it would just be a pretty flat environment, and i'd like to make the vertical aspect as important as the horizontal, to give it an unusual twist.

      You got any ideas for other kinds of settings, within a city?
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      Yes it is. The idea of using a movable, interactive viewpoint in a level IS portal. lol
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      make it a portal mod and nobody will call you a hack. XD
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      Well speaking of both of those, the original splinter cell had a sticky camera that functioned as it implies. You'd shoot it at a wall to see around the corner without being detected, and the only way you'd know if people were around would be by playing the game to the point of knowing the levels.
    20. SargeantSarcasm

      I see. Arkham Asylum had a sort of X-ray function built in, where you could see people through walls and the outlines of environments were highlighted so you could tell how far away stuff was.
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    rusty eagIe
    Ultimate frisbee, sailing, adventures, etc...


    Go on, click it.

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> RUSTY EAGLE
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> SEX POSITION
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> AND PART-TIME MAP DOCTOR

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> At your service

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm>"It seems they're still getting spawn trapped..."

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> hahahaha

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "Nurse, I'm going to prescribe something unorthodox"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "What is it doctor?"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "sit on my face and defecate on my chest"

    [rusty eagle] <10:59 pm> hahahahahhahahahhahhhahaah