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Mar 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Mar 6, 2011
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Forerunner, from Lancaster, PA

AtlasIsShruggin was last seen:
Mar 7, 2013
    1. Preacher001
      There's no problem with your upper floor just that if you remove the kill zones you can offer some cool map flow changes. I'd say drop the sniper though. I didn't see one so that's why I thought it would be perfect. I actually enjoy the explosions in Rhem just that your batch at the furnace is a bit overwhelming. That's why if I was to play it on a regular basis I would create a kill ball further behind the main kill ball and recreate the effect there. I like the sound of the other explosions. It's pretty cool. I'm not much of a community man. That being said, I always have plenty of input :) I'll check out Aegir tell you what I think. Keep in mind my input is very focused on FFA CS and I don't like wasting alot of time on suspense.
    2. Preacher001
      I could try a gametype that only starts you with 1 grenade and increase the delay on spawn on plasma. That may work. I'm not much for gametypes though. I try not to use them. The spawn on the shield is pretty long I'm surprised it affected you so much. Personally I just built that map for quick bursts of killing. Not a main map just a one shot'r. Kind of like Q-bert Slam. It's meant to randomly get thrown in the mix for a quick change of pace.
    3. Preacher001
      okay, can have a copy of that video. I mean we had 4 and it was stupid. 12? how in the hell does that work?

      I can see how loadoat grenades can build up, but you shouldn't have trouble with plasma. In 1v1 we seldom got to pick up dropped grenades cause we used them all. The shotgun shield combo can be overwhelming but only if you never get a turn. i usually go for the kill when they attempt a pickup. It"s a tiny map but it can get interesting and heart pounding if you use it to the fullest in 1v1.
    4. Preacher001
      So I hopped into the Forge and had a peek at your Rhem and Haven v3 maps today. I've got to say, they are the most impressive of the maps you've made. They both have alot of character and personal style. I haven't played a match in there yet but a couple points I've noticed so far. I found Rhem a little noisier then I would have liked around the kill ball. to save from getting bounced around too much and irritated by the constant explosions I would personally create a second kill ball a ways behind it and create the effect there. No shaking and a little quiter yet the effect is left in tact.
    5. Preacher001
      I really loved Haven. I'm sooo impressed how you've been learning to deal with your line of site issues. The simple ramp changes are totally effective while keeping the flow of the map. I wouldn't recommend it on all maps but that mixed with the pillars and stuff on this map are great.
    6. Preacher001
      I'm not sure why you've closed off the upper portion of this map. It's an excellent map for flight. you have so much cover that jet packs would make an awesome addition. You could have all out warfare. I'm not sure if you included a sniper but without one it makes jet packing to snipe locations less of a priotity yet still usefull. I should mention that it's a tad frustrating having to hop about for the sword yet I realize it's for asthetics. The more frustrating thing is having to circumnavigate the pillar. I would switch the sword pillars 45 degrees for cleaner movement. Then it's 2 strait hops instead of dodge, hop, twist, hop.
    7. Preacher001
      My only real dissapointment with this map is that I wasn't completely immersed in the ship. Maybe it's just that your doors feel more like a door than a ceiling or maybe it's just that I wanna drop through a door. I don't know. Maybe it would have felt different if I had to cannon man through a door. Either way, I wanna drop through a door damnit. :)
    8. Equin0x
      Hello, I just finished making a Bnet clan for Forgehub specifically. I have spent several days making the many Halls of Fame up to date. I would appreciate it if you joined, as I am trying to get all well-known members to join. Link
    9. Preacher001
      1v1 barely discribes this microscopic map :) We tried 4 player FFA. It was ridiculously delicious. With 4 players it was Qbert Slam stupid in there. I managed the least deaths at 13. The average was in the 20's. I was using the map to the fullest. Run, grenade and gun. If anything pops up - elbow it. I watched the replay and it was 6 and a half minutes of constant explosions. Not bad considering there's only 4 guns, 2 sticky grenades and an overshield.
    10. Preacher001
      Sorry haven't been on hub lately. Still been working on maps though. Actually I just uploaded my only 1v1 map, "There's no F in way". I was just pissing about trying to better understand space optimization and my buddy popped in and we kicked the crap out of each other. I decided to work it like a micro map and the result seemed worthy of an upload. If you've got 5 minutes to "kill" and a willing victim give it a try. I've just set Rhem and Haven v3 to download. I'll try them later in the week.
    11. Arctic Hunter
      Arctic Hunter
      Nominated Rhem for FHF, just letting you know and you deserve it! :)
    12. AtlasIsShruggin
      Lol, how did you guess?
    13. Chipsinabox
      An Ayn Rand fan aren't ya?
    14. Eightball
      Your maps are lookin' good man. Keep it up.
    15. MiCh4eLAnGeLo
      Hey thanks for the comment, I took a look at your map and I found it interesting, it wasn't too open or too small. I also liked how it was indoor and outdoor gameplay. I've been working on a few maps but I can't really think of any thing to do. Message me if you want to have a look.
    16. Eightball
      Anytime. Feel free to check out my new map "Concourse".
    17. AtlasIsShruggin
      cool thanks the reason there is so many is I had a guy do a review over at the forging assembly and he told me it should have 120 respawns, it seemed to be a bit much to me as well, so I do have a version on my xbox with less respawns but keeping the respawn zones. I'll check yours to see if we match up. Thanks!
    18. Preacher001
      I have a friend over so I didn't have much time to fuss but I did a really quick example of what I mean about spawn points. I didn't fuss with initial spawns and I only did a little over at the red base side. Of course all I have been talking about and adjusting are Nuetral spawns. Check my share for Fountainhead test.
    19. Preacher001
      I hate visitor messages. Do I reply on yours, do I reply on mine or do I just PM. AAhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
    20. AtlasIsShruggin
      Yeah I definitely likes the layout of port.

      By the way I just uploaded a newer version of fountainhead, i believe you will enjoy the spawns :)

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    Lancaster, PA
    “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders—what would you tell him to do?” " To Shrug."

