Minister Muffin
Last Activity:
Jan 11, 2023 at 5:33 AM
May 13, 2010
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October 7
A Beaver Tree
Muffin in a high position (like on a countertop)

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Minister Muffin

Forerunner, Male, from A Beaver Tree

Senior Member
Minister Muffin was last seen:
Jan 11, 2023
    1. alreadyRogue
      hahaha awesome
    2. alreadyRogue
    3. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      There's a grey area after the restriction. Generally it's a guideline for 500x200, but a few 10 or so pixel more is fine. So yeah, you're good.
    4. alreadyRogue
      Yeah ill be making one just for judges, when its ready ill pm it to you :)
    5. alreadyRogue
      Oh sorry I meant to tell you, Ive chosen you as a judge lol
      how did I miss that??
    6. Scobra
      It's a shame our (Ace and I's) map plays a little dodgy considering we didn't have a lot of time to test it. Thanks for the positivity though. Always appreciated.
    7. Equin0x
      Your invasion map, Temple has been tested and is now in the Test Feedback section of the Tester's Guild.
    8. connivingbubble
      Befor critisizing somone elses stuff see your own only two of your maps have good asthetics.
    9. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      Thanks for the nomination. I'm excited to see your new invasion map. It is interesting to me that is meant for less players, and I like the place where you built the map. I don't really remember seeing any good invasion maps built there. I hope your map breaks that streak.
    10. Eightball
      I won't be posting it. I'm letting a friend adopt it, though.
    11. BedCedric
      Hey! Sorry this is the correct version of Lockout, the old version had a problem. Thank =)
    12. Eightball
      Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it :)
    13. Eightball
      Why are you not on my friends list?

      Oh well, FR sent ;)
    14. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I can only move stuff in the map forums and offtopic. Message a blue or res name
    15. Eightball
      Thanks man, that means a lot ;)
    16. Eightball
      I had trouble finding your map on a custom search on XBL. It said that you've never uploaded anything to your fileshare and I typed in your name exactly. I'll try to download it off of Forgehub, but the reason why I do it when I'm on XBL is because I have no connection to the computer when I'm on XBL. It's easier that way..Anyways, I'll give it a try and let you know if I get it downloaded.
    17. Eightball
      Yeah I liked it, it's on my Download list.
    18. AceOfSpades
    19. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      No biggy. Thanks anyway.
    20. Rifte
      Eh.. I don't really play xbox anymore sorry.
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  • About

    October 7
    A Beaver Tree
    Muffin in a high position (like on a countertop)
    First Name:
    Minister Muffin
    Now, come this way, to the second door on the right. No, not that one.

    (Moments later...)

    My officials consulted me about how you are gathering troops... . I'll have you know that I believe your soldiers are just what you need to start a war.

    (Dramatic pause...)

    Muffins are a peaceful breakfast. Of course, your lovely cute cupcake troops might be enough to knock out a blueberry muffin, but I know that your intentions are as sour as lime juice. You, my queen, are just like lime juice.

    Now, Queen Cupcake, we will fight back. Many will be lost, some of those of your own land and claim. Does it have to end like this? Our syrup reservoirs are enough to share, so let us not fight, but rather embrace the economic opportunity that we have been given. I'll let you think about that one for a moment.

    (Camera pans out to show a muffin and a nicely decorated cupcake sitting still in a room In a doll house with a syrup bottle next to it. How delightful.)



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