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10y 9w ago
Dec 29, 2007
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Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)

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Senior Member
Nutduster was last seen:
Jan 9, 2015
    1. Hogframe
      18 downloads for the map, but only one for the gametype.

      Are people just playing this with default gametypes? -_-
    2. 12qwazx
      Can you help me with invasion today??
    3. 12qwazx
      I'd like to join your testing group, I'm A12qwazx on XBL.
    4. Pegasi
      Yeah I totally know what you mean. As I said in the d-bags thread, there's just an inherent detachment on XBL, that 'anonymity' people always mention without really dissecting any further. It's not just that though, what you said about randoms is bang on cause for a social LAN you have to want to interact with that person in the first place before the game itself even figures. At a LAN, the fact that you're interacting through a game is negated by being in the same room as people. I'm genuinely sad that I've only managed to do it once.
    5. Pegasi
      That sounds pretty sweet, I've heard a lot of similar stories from back in the older days. Tbh it sounds nice to have heard about MLG randomly as opposed to having it shoved down your throat by the tryhards and the noise makers rather than the actual players as with these days. Unfortunately I didn't even hear about it until the start of H3 so I missed out on those earlier days and didn't even catch the H2 era, so I just revel in the nostalgia of others ;).
    6. Pegasi
      You went to an MLG CE event? That's pretty awesome, mind if I ask which one/year?
    7. LD
      happy birthday, man who could be my father =)
    8. pyro
      Why did you have to post here, especially without even reading the thread. Everyone's been waiting for that to die and it just keep popping up again :squirrel_rant:
    9. N33b
      Bumped your map with a comment =D
    10. N33b
      That testing session was a lot of fun. Your arena map was great. Sorry I had no mic =/
    11. Devil95
      No **** why do you think I made the thread. I was also pointing out that many rookies have been quite angry over the fact that some ideas they come-up with, get posted by others. Don't have to be such a Doucher. At least from the 13 messages I got.
    12. thesilencebroken
      I don't want to be the party pooper, cause I had the same Idea, but the thumbnail for magma needs to change. It's gotta be a single, unedited screenshot. Not text, no animation, no color alteration. If you don't do so within 24 hours, I'm just going to edit it out so you have no thumbnail. Sorry, rules.
    13. Nutduster
      Ah, thanks - I was wondering.
    14. Organite
      We haven't shut down, but many of us have taken a leave of absence for school, work, and other outside reasons pertaining to meaningful things.

      Nonetheless, relatively active members (such as myself) still don't fully understand Reach mechanics enough to spew reviews that are presentable enough for public eye.

      Rest assured, RH is still running.
      But, functioning at about 20% right now.