Darth Human
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Aug 12, 2019 at 3:52 PM
Sep 27, 2010
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Darth Human

Guy from Reach

Senior Member
Darth Human was last seen:
Aug 12, 2019
    1. XZeRoXBiGxShOtX
      How Did you Spawn So Many Golf Balls On Your Map Avalanche? Plz Tell Me Hoping to build something similar to your you inspired me xD pm me!! :D
    2. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      haha wow dude, congrats on the feature. Now even more people will take notice of you and hopefully check out your YouTube page.

      great job
    3. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      One more TGIF recap and I should get it... 3 so far... I can taste it. But I'm liking the purple! Congrats!
    4. Arctic Hunter
      Arctic Hunter
      You should be given a TGIF Host title for your dedication and hard work bro :)
    5. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      hey thanks for helping me test the map. Its pretty much complete now so im starting to prepare for the post on forgehub. Once you are done with the video, send me the link and ill make sure to include it at the top of my post. We can hopefully direct people to your youtube channel and generate more awareness
    6. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Looks like tons of people played your Avalanche map for the TGIFs. Good to see more and more people discovering you. You deserve alot more attention and hopefully it will lead to more subscribers to your youtube channel.

      Ps. maybe you should make your signature be a link to your youtube page. I could try and help make it look cool to catch people's attention
    7. Stevo
      Forge hub favourites are in no way featured maps... they're just chances for the community to get maps shown off and voted upon to earn a sense of pride, and yes, it is very strict groups at the moment and I plan on getting it a little more active, but some people just don't bother nominating or voting, so it remains with those strict groups.

      I also played your map avalanche earlier, it was rather fun :)
    8. Stevo
      You should ask some of your friends on the site to nominate your maps for fhf... it goes strictly on who has the most nominations gets through.

      I also had to make an executive decision this time round and put Premise through, and I based it solely on the reasoning that it tied with 7 other maps with having 1 vote and I'd played it before and knew it was a decent map. If your map was in the mix with one vote, I'm sorry that it wasn't considered this time round, just don't give up :P
    9. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Alright well ill be gone for a week from this saturday so if you finish it hold onto it until the 16th that would be great. then I can have BevansLaw try it out and he can voice it.

      EDIT: also if you want, I have it set up so he could ask you questions and you could answer then via headset.
    10. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Yeah its very close to being done. This weekend ill probably just have to do a couple more test games but that should be it. Haha I can never really settle down though and have started up another invasion map. Its still being developed but I might be able to give you a sneak peak. Definetly gonna be epic if I can pull it off
    11. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Now that its already started, if you get done with your invasion map, message me so I can get it broadcasted when its ready to be posted.
    12. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey congrats on the youtube channel. It looks great and your friends voice has that nice radio quality to it. Now you just need to get it rolling. Great work so far
    13. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      k ill check it out tomorrow.
    14. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      I got to show you this minigame I made
    15. Hogframe
      I'm really loving some of the maps you've made so far.

      People with this much creativity don't come by every week.
    16. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      big fan of your maps id really like to do a map together i already got some ideas to throw around. if your interested
    17. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Good custom game lobby today you guys. Solid 16 players on some great maps I found and played some of mine. However, I wished it didnt switch host every time our team had something exciting going on. And the fact that the game froze everyone's xbox twice while it was switching host. Actually come to think of it, it switched host almost every game, and the worst we had was when it switched host like 10 times during our assault game. But we got past that, and I was able to bring everyone back and we tried our best to have a good time.
    18. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Oooooh, thats fancy! And yes, today I'm actually going to try to plan a custom game party between 3pm-7pm PST. Bring any of your friends, and you can meet Chris, hes got that radio voice I told you about. I'm sure he will love your maps. Anyway, if anyone else wants to join, send me a friend request or message.
    19. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Yeah im getting very close to being done with the invasion map. I reworked it slightly again to fix a couple problems. The elite vehicle spawn is now on another part of the map entirely so humans can steal the wraith and a one way teleporter now links it to the battlefield. The base now has two ways into it in the first phase. In our last test this was too hard for the humans so I gave them a spawn in the tunnel to the left. Now the humans can spawn to either side of the objective (inside or outside) in a sort of pincer movement. This I feel will give them a fighting chance and yet keep them from camping as was possible before when they spawned inside the tunnel that was directly behind the objective.

      I was wondering if we could do a batch of testing tomorrow to prepare for a post in the coming week or two. Ive also been working on making the post very fancy (here is an example)

    20. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      You dont have to remove it. Everyone makes mistakes.
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