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Forerunner, Male, from Ohio

Forge Critic Senior Member

stop looking at my profile page Apr 7, 2016

Erupt was last seen:
Dec 18, 2017
    1. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      lol dude, i really like the changes. and the best part......

      Screen lag only in one area!! :):):):):):)
      im going to update it right meow
    2. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      umm no :) hey, i got a preview thread of purification. I got the screen lag completely gone, the CPU is back up in its original spot with the deathpit, and its 100% perfect for 1v1. Maybe increase the spiker respawn time to 90secs. Nibs used them really well when we played, and they killed my shield quickly. Also, i was thinking on taking out ether the spiker or plasma pistol...idk. just a quick thought. i think that's all i have to say now. Get on XBL so we can have a1v1 on Purification, and get some test on multi-flag. :)
    3. Ociee
      Erupt, get online if you can and help me with my map. If you can't I understand we're all busy at times.
    4. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Lol ok that's fine just let me know when
    5. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Hey remember you wanted me to make some sweet video for your map? You still want me to?
    6. Ociee
      Whats your favorite dinosaur, I'm not tellin' you till' you tell me!
    7. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      ...what?! how dare you sir. Actaully, the one you worked on in the collusium and didn't finish becasue of the lighting, i would like to finish that up. That's the one you drew out and PMed me right? So apparently there's 10 maps you're just giving out...and you give me crap about making maps and not posting them :P
    8. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      well, i didnt want to co-forge with u anyways :P

      yea, so im drawing blank on how i should redue your banner lol i can make it smaller height wise so it takes away some space. idk. ill whip up something.
    9. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Oh hey. Third notification from me to you lol I can finish up that map design when u get off work, show u, and we can co-forge... Just an idea :)
    10. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Ok, so take out the slayer and 2v2. is there anything else you want added/taken away?
    11. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      hey, do u want what gametypes it plays? cuz i can add the figures to it; like my designs for my maps. It then evens out what i have going on so far. Ill PM u a sample soon
    12. Psychoduck
      Dude, Coruscant wasn't even that great... the map design and overall game design in the battlefront games was honestly pretty mediocre. Coruscant will have some pretty long, boring sightlines in the central room as well but whatever. Tantive IV could make a btter map in Reach. Bespin Cloud City could be really cool as well if you could make it with the alotted budget that is. Good luck.
    13. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Ok, yeah, I can use a pict of the center. I have it on my HDD, but I can't get it on my computer yet(I can really but to much work lol) Internet should be back friday or Saturday, so I'll get it made then.
    14. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      Yeah, no problem, I would love to. I know what colors you want, but what kind of picture for the background? I like to use photos and adjust the colors and lighting. Also, my Internet is out at home, so I won't be on XBL till like Friday(I was at a friends house yesterday, and using my works wifi right now)

      So what do u mean changes? Like to the PvP gametype? Cuz I'm cool with that.
    15. Pegasi
      LOL. I have to admit that editing takes a while on top of that. I generally read once posted, then think of a correction/addition, then have to integrate that. Plus my house mates have just come back and are all like "Hamish, omg, omg, let's talk" right now. Oh joy...
    16. Pegasi
      Lol an hour? The longest of those posts take like 10 minutes max actual typing time. Essay writing itself takes longer cause I have to like formulate plans and progressions and junk, posts like that I just type what I'm thinking.
    17. Pegasi
      Lol about a few minutes? I type pretty fast, left over skills from last minute essay writing all though Uni. Though sometimes I go and do stuff in between, like that last one was typed in between a couple of games in MM.
    18. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Weapons are not my forte, I enjoy designing the geometry in levels, but I'm lackluster at adding assets to make the level come alive.
    19. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      hey, Volcano, i mean Erupt, you need to check out some changes i have tweeked on Purification.
    20. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      ahh right. I actually did switch it up to what you said, but I can't remember if I tested it or not. It's quite the hassle because everytime you place an object you have to then test it out in a custom game..
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