Furious D 18
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Jan 22, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Dec 21, 2007
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Furious D 18


Senior Member
Furious D 18 was last seen:
Jan 22, 2015
    1. NeverlessWonder
      Hey fool! Check the Yukon thread before you go off to test it. I posted something that should fix your problem.
    2. The Storm 59
      The Storm 59
      I can understand that you guys have to put up with a lot of junk being moderators, but you should alway make that extra effort to be understanding in some situations. =P

      And the "Beta/Real" version idea sounds good. I'll do that instead next time.

      Cheers Furious.
    3. The Storm 59
      The Storm 59
      First off, thanks for your input.
      I guess you'll have to forgive me for thinking that a Forum about posting Halo3 maps would allow people to post threads about discussing their maps. I wanted some feedback before I released my map - Hell, I got helpful feed back.

      Origionally posted by Skirym
      "Looks pretty darn good! But their is a few things you could polish, like turning those double box's upside down (the floor looks better like that), and I saw a few things that could be interlocked a bit better. Hope you make a V2!"
      After I was given that recommendation I went straight off and flipped them. (that might be a little confusing out of context, but basically he gave me advice which i followed straight away).

      And, as I've said before, I have yet to find any rule which specifically states that not having a link to download in a map thread is breaking the rules.

      Don't get me wrong, from now on I wont. I've began reading every rule thread I can find (soon I'll be like Simmons from RvB), but i feel a level of understanding is in order for a newer member who unwittingly broke the rules.

      I did not intend to make the board untidy, or difficult to browse, in fact my intention was to make it easier for people who had visited my thread before to interpret that my map was up for download at that point.

      Cheers Furious,
    4. Cosmic Rick
      Cosmic Rick
      Very nice. I'm glad I can help create good material.
    5. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Woah, your profile is crazy looking! Anyways....I was amused by the idiot in the 2v2 gametype thread....I'm surprised they banned him for it though....probably for the best. That idiot kid needed a smack upside the head....I can only hope his parents will oblige.
    6. LIGHTSOUT225
      lol yeh, but he was typing while i posted. ill give the kid a break. he's not the same as the other 3 were
    7. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      why did you retire are you old enough to retire.

      P.S im was crying when i wrote this.
    8. EZappa
      " 'and Phelps just dropped a log in the water... wait, it's floating over into the other lane, another competitor just swam into it, and now he's trashing violently in the water!' "

      Luls were had. Thank you for making my day.
    9. haloforger1
      Hay dude Um can you check out my profile and my bungie profile. I need ratings. My bungie profile name is triplekillero8 with an o not a zero. Plz rate my stuff.
    10. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      well hey, when it's a chance to make yourself feel big by exercising your power over others, I'm there.

    11. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      That guy you reported? well...


      lol i'm just proud is all...
    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      meh, its better than mallet's... and yours. that's all that really matters.
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      your profile is giiiirly
    14. Mikey
      True, and thank you for reminding me that I can disable my rep, I totally forgot about that.

      I am going to do so now; and I know people say stupid comments and I can cope with that, but if I get a stupid comment that affects my image on the site then it does bother me a little bit.

      It is like somebody at my school shouting out that I "No Mikey I will not kiss you!" It affects your image.
    15. Mikey
      I am sorry if you feel that I care about reputation; I just think some choices people make towards me are unjust. It doesn't have to be reputation, it can be a visitor message, private message, positive rep.
    16. megathumbs
      how is this picture for the brute burger
    17. Al3x Pt4k
      Al3x Pt4k
      dood you rock retired staff is best
    18. Pegasi
      Cheers for the tip regarding the boxes, that should really help improve the look of the map and should be worth the time.

      I've decided to redo the smaller wall under the arch. Partly because it sucked, and partly because I can't do anything but the wall until Stefan gets to London in a week and we can really get started, seems unfair to charge ahead without him so I agreed only to do the outer barriers. Its much, much flatter and straighter now, and the map should be built real quick once Stefan gets here.

      I'll most likely take you up on the offer of testing, and I'm probably going to post here an on GoO trying to get as much testing done as possible, since great gameplay is something that has eluded me thus far, and I need as many tips as possible to finish this map.
      I'll let you know when its done so you can take a look if you want, your opinion is one that I value.
    19. DEANM12
      what does retired staff mean like can you still stuff before your retired
    20. Dragoncoals
      I'm a pretty princess.
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