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Mar 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM
Mar 6, 2011
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Forerunner, from Lancaster, PA

AtlasIsShruggin was last seen:
Mar 7, 2013
    1. Preacher001
      Tharos Port is my first map. It's a peculiar little map. It's overly simple and screams the obvious and then kind of twists it around enough to come out as completely unique. It was originally a land map on the adjacent island that jutted into the water. I couldn't seem to make anything work so I broke free from the island and placed a ramped platform exactly where it now stands. I love jump pads so I tried to see how far I could jump across the water - Poof a second pad. I kept getting injured on landing so I raised it. Then I just followed idea after idea until it created itself in front of me. I know it's not much of a map but everyone who has played it has always given it more value than I give it myself. As a map it doesn't make much sense, but it's unique, easy to navigate and just seems to work. I gotta say, I just love playing on it.

      PS. I also need to remove the 2nd shotgun from the 3 story building. I just found out it exsisted the other day :)
    2. Preacher001
      I took a look at Anthem and was impressed by the look of the main upper deck. I could imagine flower beds, event posters and such around the room. The second floor left little to be desired save the glass drop down. The lowest floor (though one of the most interesting) didn't really give you anywhere to run out of the line of fire. I tore the walls off the lowest walkway because I couldn't help thinking there was something really interesting that was started there and then seemingly given up on. All in all I stand behind your decision to reinvent that map. It suffered from line of site issues far worse than fountainhead ever had. I would recommend copying the map and saving the original. It may never get finished or look the same but there are alot of worthwhile qualities there.
    3. Bio Cobalt
      Bio Cobalt
      Represent Lancaster PA!
    4. Preacher001
      Please read the 4 posts below from bottom to top.
    5. Preacher001
      If you want to take a look at a neat before and after that I have preformed go download gtapoptart's "Planet Caravan" then take a peek on my profile at Bungie and download Planet Caravan Arena. You'll see how I've helped break up a couple line of site issues while maintaining, and/or cleaning up, the asthetic appeal of the level. That was a very time consuming overhaul.

      Good luck with your map,
    6. Preacher001
      As for the two changes you made that I directly recommended, I would like to clarify what I meant, not that I have any problems with how you interpreted it. The lowering of both the canon men and the sword pillar weren't neccessarily meant to be quite that low.

      For the Canon man I just meant to lower it to the point were the bottom most lip that had once been hovering above ground was just out of site below the surface leaving most of the cool looking pinhole metal that surrounds the pad showing.

      The Sword stand doesn't look that bad, kind of like a little stand sitting on grass, but what I had meant was that you could still show the - (we'll say metal) - that connects the sails, it just needed to be low enough to do a hurdling sword grab. I was fine leaving a couple inches of the "metal" showing through the "grass" besides the stand itself.
    7. Preacher001
      I definetly find the new upper level overwhealming with cover. On one of many attempts at new maps I had once made a pillar of the "tall thin block", stood it errect then attached a couple "columns" and other do-dads and made it look like a support frame for my inclined long walkway.

      I would recommend taking a look at what bungie has done to break up line of site on it's Forged maps. "The Cage" would be a good start. Creating subtle height differences can also play a big roll.
    8. Preacher001
      Hey, I took a look at the updated version and I gotta say I would probably continue to play on v2.3 and here's why. Your old version was clean and made a resonable amount of sense. The new version is messy and seems like you're just making a quick fix.

      I know I comented on the long open-ness of some of your walkways but it wasn't horifiyingly bad. What I meant was that you need to reduce some of it's blatent lack of defensive ability. Line of site issues are a problem but then if you both have similar issues it's not that bad. What you want to prevent is a clear advantage between the two combatants. (not that that's alway bad either.) You can break up areas by putting smaller more subtle defensive structures in the way. Things that give you a moment to reload or make a minor stand.
    9. Hogframe
      Nice name.

      What song is that?
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    Lancaster, PA
    “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders—what would you tell him to do?” " To Shrug."

