Man that all sounds pretty sweet, I'd love an acoustic and tanglewood ones are luverly. You gotta let me know if you guys do any recording, would love to hear you put that stuff to use and an acoustic nu-metal cover band sounds awesome lol.
Graduated last year ;). And nothing musical unfortunately, though I got a beastly new Mac Pro not too long ago. I've also got another original xbox and some controllers in the post to go with my old one, gonna make me a sweet Halo CE LAN setup :). You?
Yeah not bad, still coastin' with this co-op job till I hopefully get something better next academic year but it ain't too bad all things considered.
Hey, sorry about being a **** to you after I played your map... Matty said something arsehole-ish to me and I thought you said it... so when you re-joined our party I got pissed Again, sorry about that. But damn... good map though :) Just don't play KOTH with drop shields (as I kept demonstrating :P) and WHERE ARE THE PLASMA REPEATERS?? Your map though
Pretty good, settled in to my job now which is nice, and been rinsing Reach real nice which keeps me happy. Bout you?