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Dec 6, 2007
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Le Mar du Teet

Senior Member
Titmar was last seen:
Jan 31, 2023
    1. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      My thought process is that maybe we can collaborate on some stuff at some point. If you're interested of course. Hit me up though.

      Rhoediting <-- aim
    2. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      Yea I know it's usually just the two go hand in hand. Maya is so complex. Do you have skype?
    3. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      Hey you mentioned you use Maya. I was wondering how much editing you do. Full videos? Montages?
    4. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Okay, so I think I figured out a way to make that Chicago map work with the current scale (with some new changes now). I was considering moving the location between the space between Montana and Alaska. It's a typical space to use, but using some of the terrain will help reduce object count. Some of the layout will have to change to adapt to this, but I wasn't too attached to the current build anyways. And adding some green to a map never hurt anyone =P
    5. thesilencebroken
      i don't understand that site, so i didnt know. lol

      a BTB tourney is quite ambitious.
    6. thesilencebroken
      also, I updated my portfolio.
    7. thesilencebroken
      Is the map actually getting played in something?
    8. thesilencebroken
      Nevermind, I researched. I'm stoked we ranked pretty high. However, most of those maps are pretty cheesy to me. *insert random stolen structure from bungie on each end and complete*
    9. thesilencebroken
      That I'm sure is awesome, but I don't know what it means.
    10. ThrowinDemBows
      also lookin at this, MrSaddo (Gazzaverage on FH) has two maps in onyx and 1 in gold. impressive imo.
    11. ThrowinDemBows
    12. ThrowinDemBows
      yeah ur right, it never would've gotten onyx. Gold maybe. the Onyx divisions maps all looked so plain.
    13. ThrowinDemBows
      Halo Charts BTB contest results are in. Kanava District recieved Gold, i think performance issues held it back. Congratulations. Also, did u enter Warhorse? i didnt see it.
    14. Nobody Worthy
    15. Nobody Worthy
    16. ThrowinDemBows
      :( how's warhorse redux going, is the one on fileshare up to date?
    17. ThrowinDemBows
      lets play some reach
    18. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      We need to post Grindhouse so you can become green. lul.
    19. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Shrinking the scale could certainly work, maybe by like 20% ish, and I'm sure we could find ways to build it cheaper. But I think the basic layout is a real winner. My only concern is limiting lines of sight so you don't see all of the map at once, because that's obviously going to cause frame rate issues. We'll have to find a clever way to cover the map artisticly (and cheaply) so that we don't see everything at once. It's going to take some thought... I'll see if I can sketch up some ideas and I'll get back to you.
    20. thesilencebroken
      I need to be able to see these things. I don't recall if that is shown on bungie.net. A lot of my ideas were cut because i can't track them. :/