Jex Yoyo
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7y 28w ago
May 28, 2009
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March 17

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Jex Yoyo

POETRY, bitch., Male, from Kansas

Senior Member
Jex Yoyo was last seen:
Aug 24, 2017
    1. chrstphrbrnnn
      Everyone is kinda in a lull I one plays Reach (because it's boring as **** lol) and no one is ever around xbox anymore. I guess you can't expect it to be too much better on here lol. Although you could always change that :P
    2. ThrowinDemBows
    3. chrstphrbrnnn
      It's not fun without the drama ;)
    4. Stevo
    5. Stevo
      lol true
      which again is another reason i like the idea of promoting the test participation thing. Some loyals stick to the work though which is nice and sets a good example... but there was always Surchin...... -.-
    6. Stevo
      i have no idea cadence... people just want to be colourful, TG, RH + CL loyals are the easiest colour to obtain, so people get them. People also complain it's tooo easy to get to the TG loyal, but people don't bother trying -.-

      Basically.. it's retarded, but it's working atm... so i'm happy with it :P
    7. Stevo
      I guess...
      but it's like that so we get members, the more members we have the better. Plus, people struggle enough to get testers as it is to write the feedback, so those testers are essentially contributing, they're just not writing :)
    8. Stevo
      yup, they can get loyal by helping with an "ass-ton" of tests :P
    9. cluckinho
      Hey man could you edit in my stuff on the TGIF sign up? I think WaS forgot to.

      [spoiler]Cart0's Party

      Host's Gamertag: cluckinho10
      Start Time: 10:00 PM EST
      End Time: Whenever
      Rules: Just pretty much no yelling or asking for leader.

      • We're gonna start the party off with some Hex
      • Other misc. games
      • After that, I'll pass the leader around. Don't be a idiot if I give you leader. Test your map, pass it to the next guy in line. It's gonna be a pretty chill party.

      Thanks a ton
    10. Organite
    11. Organite
      Anyway, how will it work when we get the Review Hub Tips up and running?
    12. Organite
      Damn technical shenanigans.
      Oh well, I'm sure the TG will have a harder time keeping a video on the front page than RH will putting a review on the front page. Either way, this seems to balance out front page advertisements of the TRC
    13. Alkaline3Gurl
      Do you have a roster for the humpday? I want to make a post about it in the BWO Community forum. =D
    14. thesilencebroken
    15. Organite
      Okay, well I guess that works out then.
      I could just see TG guys rage facing out the ass.
    16. Organite
      Hey, I liked the SU brah =)
      a couple complaints though:
      you didn't post at least the links to the other reviews this cycle and if you're going to do a best review then you should definitely showcase the TG's best feedback to balance things out.
    17. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Get on live NAO if you're not already :P
    18. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      There aren't any shoutbox specific rules, do the regular forum rules not apply? If you think of some specific behaviours we need to moderate, we can discuss it in staff and if agreed put some rules in place.
    19. LD
      just for you ;)
    20. Transactionzero
      Lies and deceit!