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Apr 23, 2008
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Jan 2, 1986 (Age: 39)
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Rochester, NY

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Jill Sandwich, Male, from Rochester, NY

Senior Member
thesilencebroken was last seen:
Feb 21, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      buddha retired, I thought he was joking when he said I could replace him. lol
    2. Loscocco
      I've been saving a ton of Highlands videos. I've been getting Be The Bullets left and right. Wanna get pro footage before they tweak all of the weapon spawns (because they probably will; people are already complaining about them) and all of the people adapt new strategies >:)
    3. Loscocco
      yeah. 2 were members of the website that I own; 1 is "meh" and the other doesn't play seriously. The randoms were bad though :P
    4. Loscocco
      yeah it was. I was sniper whoring :P
    5. Loscocco
      You and I did the best though ;)
    6. Pegasi
      Pretty much every game of CTF I've played on it has seen a last minute cap from either my team or the opponents, few as epic as that though. I'd personally like to see flags spawn on Rocket flats rather than top towers, or at least tried out, and would prefer if the defender base Sniper didn't spawn at top tower since that place has insane LoS. I really wana try 1-flag on it, kinda surprised that 2-flag seems to be main gametype choice for it in terms of playlist design.

      Still, absolutely sick map.
    7. Loscocco
      haha yeah I noticed you. I was about to jump in your face when you were sniping at the end, but that woulda been too mean :P
    8. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      So the shot came all the way up from the upper management?..
      I'm honored
      see ya around
    9. Nobody Worthy
    10. Titmar
      idea for FF challenge:

      "get the highest points for a multikill on any map."

      this came to me when i accidentally got a triple kill on a specialist class elite and 2 hunters, for a grand total of like 2500 or so.

      what u think
    11. Noxiw
      Hah! I completely forgot that the map was dictated, I just went into score attack and took a shot at it, good thing it was a terrible entree anyway. Fail, Noxy.
    12. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      ****ing sweet. The bass on my speakers is a bit too deep so it was a little garbled on this end, but I could still make it out. Love it. I can't figure out how to drop my bass lol. I suck.
    13. RightSideTheory
      I don't dislike a lot of music... but I'll agree with you on Creed.
    14. RightSideTheory
      Really? I just like this one song. I have no opinion of the band.
    15. RightSideTheory
      YouTube - Marcy Playground- Sex and Candy
    16. RightSideTheory
      Thank you anyway, but I've got it. I found a guitar riff and it was stuck in my head for days, because I couldn't figure out what song it was from. But I figured it out with some help lol.

      I was going to type out the tablature and ask if you recognized it.
    17. RightSideTheory
      Can you read tablature for a guitar?
    18. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Your beard. It's so good lately. Got a target length?
    19. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      hey, could you get on Halo?
    20. Waylander