II6clique jxIxj
Last Activity:
Mar 24, 2013 at 1:50 AM
May 27, 2009
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Murrieta California
Computer graphic designer

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II6clique jxIxj

Ancient, from Murrieta California

Senior Member
II6clique jxIxj was last seen:
Mar 24, 2013
    1. Inimical I am
      Inimical I am
      Alright you really have to check this out. It's a complete guide to BRINK:

      The FragWorld Brink Compendium

      Read it if you have any interest whatsoever in BRINK.
    2. Inimical I am
      Inimical I am
      Im about to play some ac Brotherhood but I can talk for a little bit.
    3. Inimical I am
      Inimical I am
      Dude whats up?
    4. Phenomenal
      Yea sure, are you planning another test any time soon?
    5. Phenomenal
      Unfortunately I cannot test your map tonight due to personal issues but would love to see it some time in the future for some feedback to make the map the best it can be. Sorry for such a late post, and I hope you can get enough people to test it.
    6. AItius
      Your post is still not fixed. Copying and pasting the pix from Bungie.net does NOT work. You have to use haloscreenshots. It may load slow the first time, but after that it works fast.
    7. MASTER016
      u might get in trouble if u do not fix ur post
      Map Posting Rules

      Threads must include at least one picture of the map.

      All pictures must be embedded.

      Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare.

      You must include at least a brief description of the map.

      Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY - no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting.

      Failure to post your map correctly will result in a topic lock after 1 hour in the absence of a fix.
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  • About

    Murrieta California
    Computer graphic designer
    II6clique jxIxj
    My goal is to make it on bungie favs!!

    Forging, Photography, Drawing


    Halo Reach Maps:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Halo 3 Maps:
    [Eradicate] [Yanmee Haven]
    [Courtyard] [Focal Point]