I'm moreso arguing because he's trying to negate what a lot of the effort put forth by a good portion of bands I've seen/liked because they aren't playing Metallica sized shows. Everyone has such a warped view on what life really is like for musical artists. I could give a **** less what he thinks. Additionally, I was only making the "saw this many shows" joke against your electronic festival one. lol. People take me way too serious. I don't do any of those things, so I saw that one festival with like $40 worth of bottled water in my system.
I constitute anything that includes the following a concert/show: - bands that play full sets - entry fee - fans/crowd - stage with mic'd sound and lights Now, obviously I've seen some smaller shows that are just barely worth mentioning, but these bands are doing the same damn thing, just without the sea of people. I've seen countless big shows too. My biggest show I went to is 25,000 people. Just sayin that I think the little bands deserve more respect on that list.
At some shows I play, there are tickets, and you get wristbands. There are usually about 200 people. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!? lol. But in all seriousness, I meant what you'd classify as a "show" is the best environment to experience a band. not some little biker bar where theres 20 people and the band is on the floor.
ok was wondering. It's only a problem on the one where I am looking through the slits at Meta, you can't see the blue guy through the window but it's fine. With Meta's service tag there you get the idea lol.
Damn that looks cool. Think you could get the C to be a bit brighter though? Can barely see it on FHDark.
Also, forgot to crop the outside of the map out on the overview pic before I emailed it to you, but remembered before posting it. If you want to grab it from my post or just crop it yourself...