Darth Human
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Aug 12, 2019 at 3:52 PM
Sep 27, 2010
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Darth Human

Guy from Reach

Senior Member
Darth Human was last seen:
Aug 12, 2019
    1. Noxiw
      I'll remove my post, I wasn't aware he was aware. =P
    2. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Woohoo! Finally got done with a 3 month project called Trench Battlefield! It's my first 'casual' game, so any comments would be great
    3. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Thanks =). Its always nice to hear that from people every now and then.
    4. Neoshadow
      Hey dude, I was one of the people in your game yesterday when you were playing a bunch of maps, my GT was DeanG642.
      I gotta say dude, you're a great forger.
    5. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey I thought your youtube channel was a great idea. Like we were talking about, I wouldnt mind if you used my maps for some of the videos. I recently made one for my ZM_Port map.

      Im not sure how you would go about making your videos but here is what I have for mine.

      YouTube - Port Gameplay 1
    6. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Alright yeah, ill just get it ready for some testing later on. I actually have a pretty good amount of work today so its probably best if I dont get distracted.
    7. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Sorry I won't be online today. Maybe sometime this week we can. I'm glad you're putting a lot of effort into this map. It really is an amazing idea and map.
    8. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey I fixed up the Bunker map for invasion and I really like where its going now. In the 2nd phase you capture 1 territory in the very back of the base.It looks like the elites are opening the dooer to a new room I made which holds the core. 2nd phase also has the elites all spawning with active camo to simulate an infiltration. Im guessing it will make this phase much more interesting and make it slightly harder. (before it was too easy). The last phase is now just grab the core.

      Other tweaks.

      -After the first phase, I now have a teleporter that spawns outside. This way, 15 seconds into phase 2 any stragglers top side will be telepoerted below ground.
      -In the second phase the end of the tunnel is still blocked off but I used a one way shield door so people can still see the size of the whole thing
      -I added kill barriers under the map in case someone spawns outside when they try to respawn on their fire team buddy.

      Anyway if you are online today id love to test this update
    9. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I made a teaser post in the discussion section. People seem to like it but are saying that I should fix one area that people tend to camp out. Ill definetly fix that cause I was noticing it was pretty much the only problem I could really see for now. Hopefully this weekend we can get some games in and I can get some fresh footage for multiple gameplay videos. I figure the more the better and itll make the eventual post draw more attention...

      anyways here is the post if you're interested
    10. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      yeah it definetly works great for infection. We should keep testing that and maybe see how safe havens plays out on it. Invasion is ready to be tested too
    11. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      I think I joined your game of Donkey Kong and was really confused at first. Once I got the hang of it though It was fun. I really liked what you did with the warthog hill map, didnt think it could get any better. Speed is also fun and sharks is a nice twist on infection.

      As for my map I actually was able to find my invasion version and so hopefully this weekend we could test it. If that works I would probably tweak it a bit and work towards making a video for that too. Then maybe down the road make a big post on Forgehub for Bunker invasion and infection as well as maybe the expansion thing you were working on
    12. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      I updated Team Donkey Kong finally with v1.1. I fixed mostly everything in it except a few lag problems that only exist if 8+ people are playing it. Not many people like that map for some reason, but its a map I put hours into, so I hope someone likes it...
    13. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Nice video, its too bad we improved it since then.
    14. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      YouTube - ZM_Bunker Gameplay 1
    15. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey whats up. My GT is Oackley HiDef but it used to be Rivalmass so thats my profile name on here
    16. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Yeah you can do that, thanks for asking
    17. Osl112
      Hey :)

      Shark Reef 2 is epic. No doubt about it. It just gets better and better. Therefore, I'm wondering. I've currently got a map that goes with your gametype and am wondering if later, I could release it on FH with a link to your custom gametype. Note that you will be given credit for inspiration and of course, your gametype. What do you think?
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    Darth Human
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