Draw the Line
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Jan 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM
Jan 14, 2008
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Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
Chicago, Illinois

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Draw the Line

Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
Draw the Line was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. Insane54
      Personally, I like the bridge how it is. If you'd like to make some different options, I can copy and paste your thoughts and let the other guys talk it over...I don't think its that big of a deal that it would keep it out of matchmaking, basically.
    2. Insane54
      Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details rendered for great glory
    3. Insane54
      Whatever you think illustrates your point best. Don't make it biased, show each instance, fair or not. But personally I want to prove that the bridge adds to gameplay and isn't unfair even when going in alone.
    4. Insane54
      Testing today was very positive. We played Team Slayer and there seemed to be no complaints, at all. I'm thinking of getting together a few 8v8 games and getting some clips, Bungie is sponsoring free rendering for CC, so we could use the clips to show how the bridge gameplay isn't unfair.
    5. Insane54
      I totally agree. I think we'll discuss the bridge issue in more detail.
    6. Insane54
      "Couple gameplay issues I had:
      The anti-spawns put you on the wrong side of the map once flags were pulled. Might be by design because of the sheer size, but really felt wrong.

      Another thing that worries me is that it take at least two people to bring a flag across the bridge, because you cannot jump across while carrying it, but you can jump across and throw it to a waiting teammate if you coordinate it. This instantly puts people searching MM alone at a bigger disadvantage than they already face, because taking flag over bridge will not be an option unless you have a supporting party communicating.

      Other than those concerns, play and performance was alright. The map was large and the inside areas around the bases are a bit disorientating, but I think that would just take time to adjust to. I strongly recommend having those bridges meet up though, just for fairness to people trying to play solo."
    7. Insane54
      "This was fun. Played 8v8 multi-flag and it seemed pretty balanced and all areas of the map were used consistently. We noticed that team parties will be at an advantage as you can throw the flag over the bridge and have a teammate pick it up and return it pretty easily. Everyone in our game knew about this so after a while it became more difficult.

      I really liked the layout of this map. One side had a Rat's Nest type of feel to it while the other side played completely different. Open spaces, long tunnels and good lines of sight throughout. Also didn't notice any performance problems surprisingly. Only drawback is that it is 100% forge objects. I missed the scenery after a while."
    8. Insane54
      There was some concern about the bridge being an advantage to teams rather than single players going into matchmaking. It was suggested that the bridge be connected. While I personally disagree, what are your thoughts on that?
    9. Insane54
      Mmmkay. I will let them know of these changes. Everyone seems enthused about it, so as long as it plays okay and there's no framerate lag, I'd expect it to make it
    10. Insane54
      We'll be running some CC games tonight for Outline, sometime after 9:00 PM EST. You're welcome to join in, especially if you have an updated version...people seem to like what they see so far!
    11. Insane54
      I decided to throw in Outline to the CC. Let me know of any changes and I'll update the post there! and of course if you're testing, shoot me a FR or invite.
    12. Insane54
      I don't need it by any means, let me know when you're ready. I'm just eager to throw in some more good maps into the rotation :D
    13. thesilencebroken
      the two pics in your sig are a pixel off from each other and its sending my OCD into a rage spiral.
    14. Chron
      No problem man. :)
    15. NlBBS
      I liked the staff picks more than the FHF getting stickied. I mean, they're already on the SU, why do they need to be stickied for two weeks. Oh well, I think Precipice will do fine with or without it.
    16. NlBBS
      I have no idea.
    17. Titmar
      definitely interested. im still concerned about budget and objects... perhaps we can look for places to minimize stuff too, or perhaps shrink the overall size? i'd rather not, and im sure youd also rather not, but im just sayin.
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Not sure if you saw my comments about your map in the shoutbox (as I had to leave soon after I said them) but I really enjoyed the map. Definitely nailed the urban feel. The only real concern (at least at a superficial level as I need more time on it) is that I had no real idea where power weapons spawned. That may be fixed by playing on the map but I couldn't find the sniper rifle anywhere, despite being in the general area I found the opposition using it in.
    19. squidhands
      Yeah, he's one of the most sour people that I know here. Maybe he's just at the age where everything sucks, I don't know...
    20. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      yep. sorry I couldn't get it for you.
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Chicago, Illinois
    Draw the Line
    I am a student at NIU studying to be a graphic artist. I am addicted to just about anything Halo, and of course I love to forge.

    Drawing, Building, Videogames

