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Apr 12, 2018 at 1:44 AM
Oct 7, 2010
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Lead Writer, from GMT ಠ_ಠ

Senior Member

Well isn't this something? Feb 23, 2015

Tedium was last seen:
Apr 12, 2018
    1. Organite
      To alleviate that just a little I think I'm gonna make it so that members only have access to the private forums when they become an Applied Member. Just so I'm not bugging an admin every week to give someone new permissions.
      Besides, entrance members really don't need access. All their proofing can go through the member they're writing for.
    2. Organite
      I know. And I appreciate his help so much.
      Your's too =]
      especially since we're basically following your model for advancement.

      My biggest fear is that since NO staff member (except Stevo) has weighed in on our new system which makes me worry if they'll honor it or not. I had really hoped Mick would be a bigger part of all of this but he's got crap going on too, but that leaves me in the dark with no direct staff connection.

      I know I'm capable of running things, but we really need a staff member helping direct things along. All I can do is beg =C
    3. Organite
      So I could could get you on the To-Do list.
      I like the list. It actually illustrates progress and makes people commit to a map rather than say oh I might do this one or that one.
      Something I've been guilty of from time to time.

      Sigh... I hate being a TRC leader with no staff connection.
      It feels like my requests are being ignored. I like/hate that Stevo had to volunteer to talk to an admin about something I asked an admin directly =/
    4. Organite
      you still reviewing Killamanjaro?
    5. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      I made a few changes to the section I did btw. It's all on proofread
    6. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      But that's the point of a nickname! Now we'll have to call you Ted, then you'll change your name to Ted, then we'll call you T-dawg. The cycle is vicious!
    7. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Y u no *****?!
    8. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      ill do my best, i'm pretty busy with stuff at the moment, Can't do it tday, i've got an hour or so to do some other work then i'm off for a sader (passover dinner; im jewish) but tommorow I should be fine!
    9. Organite
      He is stuck between the 2D and 3D worlds and shows up as a stencil in my avatar.

      He may manifest into 3D at any moment.
      Maybe inside your house o.o
    10. Stevo
      Ahh cool.. yeah i have... I just didn't know you could go there :P
    11. Stevo
      Thanks tedium :D
    12. Katanga
      Hey, you posted in a map preview I put up in February for "Vehiculation". I just thought I'd tell you that it's finally been posted properly, since you requested I let you know. :)

      Shameless advertising is shameless.
    13. Vincent Torre
    14. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      And now you know why I step lightly around the rh. Easier to let things slide than deal with that ****
    15. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      What do you need help with? I've been around just nothing really noteworthy has come about. I haven't had a chance to really read over the revisions to the RH guidelines.
    16. Organite
      Yoyo swears that it lives.
      He likes it but I think it weirds him out too XD
    17. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      lol i saw, thanks. I'm just getting done with mine as well so no worries. Just checking
    18. Organite

      That picture.
      I love it.

      But this war.

      I assure you.

    19. Organite
    20. Organite
      For as long as you call me Orange I shall call you Teddy =P
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    GMT ಠ_ಠ
    Stuff and ****.

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