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Sep 12, 2011 at 5:54 PM
Mar 8, 2008
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Ancient, from U.S. of A.

Senior Member
evan12075 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2011
    1. Bottlecap
      Well actually on my map, the players are supposed to "switch" bases when each other team has taken over the other's base. It is supposed to make it harder for the attacker's to score the flag... but yeah, I do agree again with your comment.
    2. Bottlecap
      Hey dude thanks for the feedback on Ribcage. jut want you to know I'll be posting the updated version tonight, and there will be one spawn area fixed. Also I'll be adding dumpsters to the top of the fence boxes, so the map should be considerably harder to escape. But keep in mind that no map's spawns are perfect, so occassionally youll see a little hiccup.
    3. mitona
      i know. i hope i can do well at bringing it back from the dead.
    4. Debo37
      I have a block schedule too. I've literally only been to three of my classes (four blocks a day, and I have a free block 3rd). I have four classes tomorrow, which will end up being even more homework. :(
    5. Debo37
      Yeah it sucks. FOUR HOURS OF HOMEWORK. On the first day. Ridiculous. I already want to kill something.
    6. Debo37
      I'm back to school too. ****. Check Bump List, I posted something very important.
    7. II AceMasta II
      II AceMasta II
      My map has been posted it is called conduit check it out.
    8. II AceMasta II
      II AceMasta II
      Ya dude i just commented on your Lygophobia map. It looks like its doing great dude. I made it 9 pages :D
    9. II AceMasta II
      II AceMasta II
      Oh aight i see lol :P. Well your lygophobia version 2 is looking like its doing great im about to comment lol my fire and ice went back down as soon as i reposted the pictures would you mind commenting again?

      And that new map with quote "great aesthetics" is almost done if you wanna see it when you get on.
    10. II AceMasta II
      II AceMasta II
    11. InferiorPigeon
      i already did
      he has stolen like 3 maps that i know of.
      not sure how many others though.
      He should get banned mometarily.
      I personally have reported him like 3-4 times today.
      He is annoying and a liar.
    12. Cryptokid
      Nice job with the leet speaking Debo thats pretty good. Keep working on that and Evan I love your latest map its as I put it in my post there: SHWEET lol
    13. Cryptokid
      N!<3 j06 w!+h 73h 733+ 5p3@|<!n9 |>360 7h@+5 pr3++y 900d. |<33p w0r|<!n9 0n 7h@+ 4nd 3v@n 1 70v3 j00r 7@+35+ M@p 1+5 45 1 pu+ 1+ 1n My p05+ 7h3r3 $H\/\/33T 701 BTW debo I do 1337 a little different than you
    14. Nightfire
      well atleast now you know what's wrong with your mic, my mic broke before and i was like screw it, so i bought a new one
    15. Nightfire
      yah np, just give me an invite any time you need a map tested, oh and you might want to buy a new mic
    16. Debo37
      Hey evan? Guess what? I can speak leet fluently! Aren't I awesome? I sure think I am. We should have a leet speaking competition because it would be totally ****ing awesome!!!!!! At least I think it would be awesome anyway. Isn't it ****ing crazy how much leet I can type in one session just like this? It takes some serious skill, let me tell you.
    17. Debo37
      H3Y eVan? GUe55 wHat? I [@n S9E@K 1337 F1U3ntLY!!! AR3N'7 I @W3S0M3? I 5uRE 7h!Nl< I @m. WE SHoUld haV3 a 1337 $PeAl<!Ng C0Mp3t!7IoN 83c4U53 I7 WOu1D 8E to7ALLY ****IN9 Aw3$0m3!!!1!! AT 1E@5t I 7h!NK !7 w0UlD 83 Avv3s0M3 aNYW4Y. I$n'7 !t ****!ng Cr4ZY H0vv MUCH 1ee+ I CAN TyPe iN oN3 s3Ss!oN JU5+ L!l<3 tH!s? I7 Tak3s 50m3 S3rI0US 5l<ilL, L3+ me +el1 YOU.
    18. Cheezey53
      yeah i knew that about the earth link thing but how do u get to be one word such as the name of the map?
    19. Debo37
      Yeah TrueDark had a ***** fit and got rid of it. :(
    20. Debo37
      Indeed they do. As they do me.

      Perfect fit.
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    U.S. of A.
    Professional School Skipper
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