Rorak Kuroda
Last Activity:
Apr 15, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Sep 6, 2009
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May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
New Mexico

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Rorak Kuroda

Up All Night, from New Mexico

Forge Critic Senior Member
Rorak Kuroda was last seen:
Apr 15, 2017
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I like trains
    2. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
    3. Organite
      Lol, why is everyone working to troll you right now?
    4. Noxiw
      Alright, it was set to render.
    5. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      It changed 3 times today, but yep, green and bold
    6. NlBBS
      Thanks home skillet
    7. Arsonist
      Yeah about that, a lil' problem; I barely ever play Xbox anymore. If you see me online, it's probably my brother.
      Anyways, our chat will ALWAYS have Skype Calls going on, so join in once in a while.
    8. Arsonist
      Hows't thou, Matt? Thy presence is unclear, yet quaint. Ah, fa, so, la, mi!

      Anyways, enough Shakespeare. I invited you to a Skype Chat, but you no talk! D:
    9. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      ah right, I thought it was you that suggested it. I wont be on again tonight but next time your on i'll show it to you. Im in the process of writing up and posting my unreleased maps at the moment. I shouldn't let them build up like this it takes ages to post them all.
    10. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      I reckon you struck gold when you advised me of that mini game to make using my teleporter idea :) Ive been working on it today, map is almost complete i just need to fine tune the gametype.
    11. Organite
      Use a ramp dammit.
    12. Organite
      When you say 'rivals' I sure hope you don't mean you intend to include Jump Pads in the map.
      Yea sure they're cool and all, but it destroys flow.
    13. Organite
      As of this instant I'm uploading the video for my invasion map onto Youtube.
      How did the discussion of Translational Design go?
    14. Organite
      What up?
    15. Organite
      How'd you get your RH rank and your standard rank to show up?
    16. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      The weapons weren't on the map. I basically added the rockets for the lulz. Just a preliminary spawn test. Thanks for the advice! :)
    17. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Oh yeah, I just remembered: I'm not sure if I hit it wrong or something but I hit the bridge when I up Evade lift and it caused me to lose a point. :(
    18. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Hey man, just a little feedback on your map: I really enjoyed it but I noticed that people were using the one-way shield doors (more specifically me) as cover. I kept on circling it to stay alive and get kills which seemed to work for me quite well. I think you can solve this by putting up a wall where you can't just keep falling down and going back up. Other than that, I thought that jet pack was possiblya bit powerful. That seemed to get me the most kills, even though I play on Bumper Jumper. I think that Evade is kind of unnecessary since you can easily roll of into the "divide." I really loved the map though.
    19. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Mic broke bro. :(
    20. Waylander
      If I put my map on my file share really quick, would you download it and just run one game one it, save the film and send it my way?
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  • About

    May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
    New Mexico
    Rorak Kuroda
    Hello wayward profile browsers, my name is Matthew. I have been a denizen of these forums for quite some time. Over the internet and Xbox Live, I can come across as brash and outspoken, however, if you were to meet me in the flesh, I'd likely be just the opposite; quiet and polite. My personality, from an introspective point of view, encompasses all of those aspects, though some traits overshadow others. I'm always open to new experiences and meeting new people.

    Hacky Sack, Pencil Drawing, Halo, Women, Philosophy, Architecture, Ponies, Music, and so much more.


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