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May 25, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Feb 3, 2011
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Sep 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
Chicago, Illinois

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Forerunner, from Chicago, Illinois

Forge Critic Senior Member
Eightball was last seen:
May 25, 2015
    1. JGarb
      I got you. But hey, you dont have to pay rent right? haha
    2. JGarb
      Thats stright. You have your own place, when u move?
    3. JGarb
      haha, 16 wbu?
    4. pyro
      I don't care how you act or what you make of yourself. Play nice. Welcome advice.
    5. pyro
      If you give a flying rats ass about what people think of you, stop spamming the competitive map forums
    6. JGarb
      I agree.. Anyway, im going to get off, so ill add you and we can forge friday. It was good meeting you!
    7. JGarb
      Okay, i can help you whenever. And thanks, i appriciate that. That was my only thread, but not first map. So thanks, i look forward to forging with you too. You have some of the most tallent in forging, you have a good chance of one of your maps getting featured. We should make a map, immagine our talent combining...
    8. JGarb
      Pobobaly friday, i got a buisy week. And yeah that would be good. Yes i have seen the two and like them both, i can comment on the map thread if you want.
    9. JGarb
      haha, no i understand. I dont think it will be a problem. I would be nice once you move to buy one, but i think we will be fine!
    10. JGarb
      Okay, i added you. I will add you on xbl this weekend. I have another friend i forge with named Indecent Values. So if we could get into a lobby and forge, that would be awsome!
    11. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Thanks ok, I found a thread you may find helpful.

      Posting Screenshots
    12. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Read underneath post first

      6. Click Halo Reach on the right hand side
      7. Looking at the list on the left hand side click on 'recent screenshots'. Its near the bottom somewhere
      8. This will have bought up the images you have recently taken. Click on each image so it becomes large and then right click and save as.
      9. Create a Photobucket account and upload all of your saved images to it.
      10. After this is done it will give you an option to select all images and then generate image and HTML tags for them. When you have the links look for the one has [ img] at the start and then copy that link into you post.

      Hope this helps.
    13. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Hi, its a fairly long process so i'll apologise now it its unclear. There are various threads explaining how to do it on FH but ill tell you now anyway.

      Edit the text is too long ill have to break it into two.

      1. Load up your map in customs and run around for a bit.
      2. Exit and go into theatre and take pictures of your map.
      3. Exit and go to file browser in the start menu. click active transfers and watch your images get loaded onto B.NET. When they are uploaded you can turn off your xbox.
      4. Go onto Bungie.Net and log in using your email details linked to you XBL account.
      5.Click on your name at the top right hand corner of the page.

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  • About

    Sep 13, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Chicago, Illinois
    NEW GT: Fearsly
    Halo 4's forge ****ing blows.

    BasketballBasketballBasketball, Forge, Erupt horn tooting., Pool, Video games, Skeet Shooting.