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Sep 23, 2013 at 11:43 PM
Oct 6, 2010
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Senior Member, from Philly

Senior Member

waka waka Sep 14, 2013

PacMonster1 was last seen:
Sep 23, 2013
    1. Grif
      Maybe it's because Ira Glass is so big and covers all the breasts where as pacman was more of just a tit cover.
    2. Grif
      Then how the **** is mine still here?
    3. Grif
      Oh really? I didn't know... sorry.
    4. Grif
      You jerk
    5. Grif
      It's spreading.
    6. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      I wasn't saying that we can't converse. I'm all for conversing. There's literally nothing else to discuss though.

      Regardless, I'll do whatever I want. Deal with it.
    7. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      I'm not denying the fact that the Review Hub can be beneficial. That's why I made it clear that it was only some of the members. I never once said "all."

      There's nothing more to discuss so stop acting like there is.
    8. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      You missed the whole point. A lot of Review Hubbers have said "Your map will never achieve a 10/10 because no map can be perfect." It's kind of bullshit in my opinion. If there are 10 points possible to get, it should be possible to achieve all 10. It's not like I care enough to take names because I try to ignore the idiots who enforce an impossible rating scale. I was just simply pointing it out. I'm not angry to say the least so stop acting like that was the only thing my post had to offer.

      To explain my whole bias opposition: simply put, others seem prejudiced towards a person's map because of who they are rather than what the map had to offer.

      If you're going to cry about it, do it elsewhere.
    9. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk

      Lol, I thought of Fozzie before PacMan when you said wakka wakka
    10. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I guess just from reading all of the other post in the thread, I saw it as hostile. And I'm not just defending him, I was trying to help you not get in trouble. Furry and I are friends and I was talking to him last night about some of the stuff he was talking about. I told him not to take it too far. But it looks like it did. I've been around this site for a while now, and I just don't like seeing the same thing happen again and again.

      I was just trying to look out for your best interest, dude. And I don't know if you can tell, but some **** is going down with the upper members of this site, and I'm not sure if you can feel it, but something is going to change soon. Trust me.
    11. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I understand, I was just saying that it would have been better to take it to VM with furry, then to have an outburst like that on the forums. He is in titled to his own opinions, as well as you. But just think next time when something like this comes up you don't make the review hub look bad by publicly "attacking" another member.

      I was just trying to help you, instead of being looked down upon by other members of this community.
    12. Grif
      For you...
    13. RightSideTheory
      You are the internet hate machine
    14. serumembryo
      Lolwut? NO U DIDNT
    15. serumembryo
      Your pac man has rabies
    16. The2Armedguy
      hey thanks for the info about the thumbnail pics. i got it all cleared up now
    17. Organite
      Pac, will you give me the links to the sites where you're getting all the Defiant Pack info?
    18. Organite
      I ♥ your ♥ing of me ♥ing your avatar
    19. Organite
      Dude, I ♥ your avatar =D
    20. ThrowinDemBows
      congratulations on making the RH
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