"My party went rather well. At first I was worried I wouldn't have maps to play, but I forgot about my backup plan that is to tell those who sign up to bring maps they want to play. [Wipes brow]. We cycled in everyone that signed up for it as well as any random stragglers that happened to see the open party. We played on quite a few maps that hadn't been released, and even managed to hit the Halo minigame staple that is Clue. I want to say the party lasted for 3 hours but I can't quite recall as it was constantly shifting and it never felt longer than it should have been. Good stuff and as always, I look forward to the next one."
Let me know when you're putting it up so I can copypasta my writeup here (PMs are filled). I forgot to get a picture so I'm going back in to set up a game on one of the maps for appearances sake : P
Mmmmm. You should download it, I'm thinking of setting up a journo chat so that we can get people online quicker. I know that I have it open 100% of the time that I'm on my computer and its the second best way to contact me, so I'm extending my hand. Lemme know.
You spelled the name of my map wrong in the FHF voting thread. It should say "Asteroid Base", you spelled it "Astroid Base".
Then why do we have a winners thread for VI in announcements already? I think you got mixed up somewhere because the winners of FHF VI are in the FHF V voting thread. Do you just mean to be on FHF nominations VII?
There are front page threads for Forge Hub Favorites V and VI, yet there are still voting threads for each in Reach Forge Discussion, and the FHF VI voting thread says voting ends on January 28 while it is currently January 24. I'm so confused. :confused: Edit: It says nominations for FHF VI I'm more confused.
Thanks for finally changing the fhf thread in forge discussion, but you still need to take fhf voting V down