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Dec 12, 2019 at 8:25 AM
Sep 11, 2010
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Bloodgulch, Male, from N/A

Senior Member
4shot was last seen:
Dec 12, 2019
    1. Pegasi
      Yeah all good points. Tbh my major mental block just comes from keeping the dedication, like you say. It happens with pretty much everything creative that I try to do, I lose confidence in my creations before finishing with the vast majority of things. Often a long break gives me a fresh perspective on things, so I'll take another shot at that [Verifying...] thing and let you know how it goes. Thanks again for the kind words, though.
    2. Pegasi
      <3. I have tried forging in Reach a little, just so hard to keep up with the stuff people put out nowadays. I had the same problem as H3 progressed and people got better. Even aesthetically, my object choice and organisation in Reach just falls flat on its face when compared with people like LD who can just make a map visually sing as well as play well.

      Though I might try reworking my casual project based on your encouragement :).
    3. Ladnil
      No, not you. The guys you mentioned who just post pointless bullshit on a bunch of maps are doing it to up their post count. Thats why the rule exists. You can definitely tell a lot about a map by looking at it, but they used to let people post without playing and people just abused it. That's why the rule exists.
    4. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      not that it really matters to you much, but most infractions are given out when someone has repeatedly broken a rule. If someone gets an infraction for spam then that is because they have previously broken the rule and now have knowledge of what not to do. Warnings are given to first time offenders and/ or people who don't have active infractions.
    5. pyro
      Thank you.
      I needed something to laugh about.
    6. Shanon
    7. Ladnil
      Yeah, like I said, not ever post gets reported or infracted. Users like you pointed out who clearly are just trying to up their post count without playing the maps should be infracted more. They're probably not getting infracted though, because who is going to report someone posting nice things about their own map? I'm definitely guilty of ignoring obvious spam in my own map threads because I appreciate the bump even if the person only said something about the aesthetics or whatever.
    8. Ladnil
      Maybe its just because I haven't bothered posting in the maps section in forever, but I just don't see it. Most times I see things getting infracted it's things that legitimately do break their rule that a spam post "Shows no evidence of knowledge of the map in question other than that which can easily be seen from a glance at the pictures."

      That rule is stupid if the community is assumed to be mature and helpful, but it exists because of kids trying to up their post count by just posting useless blather on 20 maps in a row and making the forum unusable for anyone else.

      IMO the biggest thing that makes the staff seem biased is that they don't infract every single post that breaks that rule. They mostly just infract the ones that get reported to them, and in many cases the posts that get reported are the ones the map's creator doesn't like. Say something negative = get reported, and if your post breaks that "should show evidence of having played the map" rule, mods infract.
    9. Ladnil
      If you want sympathy, at least give examples of your mistreatment. You get none for just shouting about how much of a victim you are.
    10. Psychoduck
      You might want to look up the word ignorant, as you clearly don't know what it means. You also may want to actually think things through before you say them as you are actually the biggest troll on the forum. You don't even make critiscisms on my maps, you simply go off topic and, once again without thinking, say stupid and pointless things. I do take critiscism from everyone when it is actually well presented and has meaning. Kindly stay out my threads in the future, as your negativity and stupidity are not wanted, and contributes absolutely nothing. Thanks, and have a nice day.
    11. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      You know you can nominate 3 maps, right? I only ask cause FHF has recently been slacking in noms :P
    12. Ticky
      Dude i greatly appreciate the FHF vote! Thanks!
    13. Noxiw
      For sure, in that sense I miss halo 3's forge... It was more difficult but it paid off better in the end.
    14. Noxiw
      Sometimes I have a decent DMR, i mean, I'm no MLG pro, but I have some good games. :) but yeah, if forge weren't around I probably wouldn't be on halo very often.
      Thanks for the comment and download!
    16. Noxiw
      Hey saw you friend requested me, have we played together at all? If not that's cool and all.
    17. Toastman
      Yo whats up? I accepted your friend request.
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