bloody fetus
Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2012 at 12:38 AM
Jan 14, 2011
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bloody fetus

Forerunner, from shy town the fiy town

bloody fetus was last seen:
Dec 5, 2012
    1. Smokemonster
      yeah I have been meaning to correct my GT for a while but keeping forgetting. Now fixed. Sorry for the confusion
    2. Hogframe
      No problem.

      Wait, how can a PS3 go online?
    3. DeStarfighter
      you can add me and I´ll help you test your new maps ^^

      GT: DeStarfighter

    4. Stevo
      lol yeah the chatbox may appear a little daunting at first... but basically, it's just a few guys taking the piss 95% of the time. Just have a good laugh in there and you'll soon make friends :)

      It's easier to get into a conversation if it's something you can relate to, and more often than not there's some big discussions about some aspects of halo and stuff... orrr you could just ask for help in there and people will give you a hand.

      Also, you can send me a message on xbl to join a game, i'd be happy to run you through the use of kill-zones and how to set up your flag. In the mean time, you can look at this post which may help you set up your CTF game.
    5. Stevo
      Finally, if you're after a little bit of feedback on how to improve your maps you can submit your map to theTester's Guild, just make sure you read the Rules first. You can also host your own games to provide in game feedback by hosting a lobby in the Customs Lobby.

      Any other questions, feel free to ask.
    6. Stevo
      No worries. First things first, if you haven't already, make yourself known in the Introductions forum. The more friends you make on the site, the easier it will be to expand your knowledge on forging.

      Once you've said Hi to a few people, get yourself noticed in the chat box on the main page. It's a great place to meet other forgers and ask them if they're up for playing. It may seem a little daunting at first, but there's always people in there to make you feel welcome.

      Once you think you're ready, you could always post a Map Preview in the Halo Reach Forge Discussion forum. When creating the thread, make sure to supply a picture or two and to label the topic with the "Map Preview" prefix.
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    shy town the fiy town
    bloody fetus19
    bright eyed and bushey tailed " my voodoo chicken noodles on the rise "

    zappa, primus, kool kieth, sativa , RooR