Paranoia UK
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Apr 1, 2017 at 2:36 AM
Jul 8, 2008
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England, UK

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Paranoia UK

Ancient, from England, UK

Senior Member
Paranoia UK was last seen:
Apr 1, 2017
    1. buddhacrane
      Ah thank you. It seems so obvious now!
    2. buddhacrane
      So, good sir, would you be so inclined as to explain to me how you made a floor non-solid in your telepit design from Tayari? I am very intrigued!
    3. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      Just wanted to let you know that Tayari is a realllllly beautiful map. I hope you get a place in the competition!
    4. timmypanic
      Cool, no problem! I wasn't sure if your gamertag ment u were british or an outsider saying we are paranoid lol! Good to see some good british forgers oin here, there are quite a few of your maps that are really well made and I like. Keep up the good work :)
    5. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Yeah, but then you feel great about yourself when you see like 5 new maps, all by you, on the front page of competitive maps! :D
    6. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda

      Technically, mista tipsta recommended that, but anyways, that's awesome. I don't know when I'll be on, hopefully tomorrow, so maybe I can check it out then.
    7. ringOFtones
      Hey, My friend PGH IVIonster told me about how great your maps are so I downloaded some, and you are a really good forger. I'll keep looking for new maps by you, I love your style of maps too.
    8. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Yeah, I'm a bit discouraged at the moment. Some one pointed out that it may be too small for 2v2. I'll be online all day and night today probably, if you can manage to get on.
    9. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Alright, that sounds great! Thanks by the way, it's definitely a different direction in terms of concept from some of my previous maps. This map, however is more so based around design than the overall aesthetic. I'll try to round up some others for some more extensive testing.
    10. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      You should totally get on Halo so I can show you my map. :P
    11. Eightball
      Sounds good man, I can't wait.
    12. Eightball
      I'm pretty good thanks. I posted a few more maps, if you wanna check them out. Are you working on some more of your very excellent maps? :P
    13. Eightball
      Hey, haven't heard from you in a bit. What's good?
    14. Eightball
      Thank you for the help. I appreciate it.
    15. Stevo
      Thanks :)
      I thought it was about time I found a way to develop a decent system.
      If I find any better ways, I'll be sure to update the thread as appropriate.. Hopefully it'll be sticked in the compendium thread.
    16. fireskull
      That map of yours with the bridge looks badass.
    17. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Hey man, no problem, I'm glad I could help. If you do plan on restarting a lot of it, I'll do whatever I can to help out. I think that it has potential, a lot of potential, so keep it up.
    18. Nyte
      hey dude, i saw you invited me a few times, sorry i was forging and didnt really feel like playing but inv whenever and ill join.
    19. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      we can definitely use any reviewer we can get. be sure to write some good applications and you're a shoe in
    20. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      I'm doing alright. Yup the review hub is up and running but we're pretty short staffed so we're only pushing out about 5 reviews every 2 weeks
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    England, UK
    Paranoia UK