The foundry of Forge Hub requires more scribes to record events for the community to relish in. I pray thee return! RETUUUUURN!
Where the **** do rockets spawn now? They don't spawn on that platform below the atrium looking thing anymore do they? The one you can drop down to. And I love camping top mid with a shotgun and a much fun.
if you spawn bottom you can grab the shotty on the way to the sniper rifle, and camp that spawn. if you get trouble you can use the mancannon. it's ridiculous. lol
I was going to say that. The main reason (well one of the main reasons) The Cage is bad is that the power weapons are staggered and the spawns support that.
I like it in general, but on FFA I would either instantly die on spawn or take two steps and get attacked.
The one game I played was pretty fun, I got quite a few awesome kills, then would sprint away and flank. I did get owned on spawn kills like 5 times though. Its all part of a plot to slowly annoy you until you rage at the lack of finesse among the journalists. And hopefully, once that has occurred, you will regain your rightful place among us! >:D
ohey how's it going dude?. I really don't go on forums anymore haha. :P I actually just got back on because I saw a link in a Google search on Trittons and found one of Insane's posts on B3NW (who I've never even heard of lol). Oh how times have changed. :[ And yes I am still editing! Youtube Check out the mini edit I did (Vulture) 'tis cool :P How's Final Cut and how much editing have you been doing? I want to see your edits! :D My avatar is the best and don't you forget it!!! I'm always ready for Christmas! I'm so prepared I already set it up for Christmas 2011! trololololol see ya later dude!
I'd love to see a Reach project come from you. Feel free to hit me up if you ever want to toss around ideas. Glad to hear life's treating you as well as can be.
Pegasi Said:"If I was still a Journo you would never have gotten away with "could care less"." LOL. I brought it up when he asked for someone to proofread in the Staff Forum. Glad to know I'm not on my own in my line of thinking. Don't worry, I represent! I did say that I thought it may be an Americanism though. Reflex said it was a "verbal irony" O.o
You do it well, man. He frustrates the hell out of me with his long-winded posts that barely mask their non-cohesiveness. I've been pretty good. I enjoy so many things about Reach that forging has kind of lost it's glamor a little bit, but I've also been uninspired as of late. I may get back to it soon, I'm starting to dream about designs again. How the hell are you?