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2y 2w ago
Apr 23, 2008
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Jan 2, 1986 (Age: 39)
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Rochester, NY

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Jill Sandwich, Male, from Rochester, NY

Senior Member
thesilencebroken was last seen:
Feb 21, 2023
    1. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      Personally, harboring a bad attitude against a site as a whole based on the attitude of a few isn't that much better.

      Besides the overused reason that XF is a sanctuary for FH-outcasts, which is obviously far from the whole truth, and the fact that that would obviously leave a small subset of our userbase with a sour taste in their mouth about FH, I'm not exactly sure what attitude you would be talking about. Especially since many of our members frequent FH as well, and vice versa.
    2. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      "Im good with posting it anywhere that isn't XForgery."
    3. SecretSchnitzel
      Thanks for your feed back on Amalgam. I might seem like a ****, but that is honestly not the case. I really appreciate everything you had to say. ;)
    4. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Ha, most off those maps were pretty bad. I enjoyed a few however, like the Orbital remake. A couple tweaks and it could be a contender. After that it was a blur of ****. Cept for that other map, forget the name....The one Shadow broke by hopping up and getting stuck above a door or something. I kinda liked that map.
    5. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Sorry about just disappearing yesterday, the game lagged me out or something weird cause all the sudden I was the only one left on the map. I was in the process of messaging you back for an invite when the pizza guy showed up, so I didn't bother an got off. It was an epic pizza btw.
    6. Titmar
      Kanava District
    7. Titmar
      lol, same. i'll post it up over there later. i keep forgetting my password there and having to reset it.
    8. Titmar
      we could post on another forum? im on Debo's forum (thecustomexperience) i can post it over there as well if you're cool with that. its a much slower forum, so it wouldnt gain a lot of DL's but at least it wouldnt disappear off the page in 10 minutes.
    9. Titmar
      yep, rec'd it a while back when u first mentioned that actually
    10. RightSideTheory
    11. RightSideTheory
    12. RightSideTheory
    13. RightSideTheory
    14. DunkinMyCookies
      Your avatar makes me lol.
    15. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Haha, i need to do that sometime! I've watched the simpsons since I was like 5.
    16. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Just watched that show an hour ago. Its awesome.
    17. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Homer kicks ass.
    18. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Urs is rite
    19. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Too many picturessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
    20. RightSideTheory