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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SecretSchnitzel
      Sorry man, but turns out I didn't save Anchor 9.09... :(
      KC and Ponytar got three maps lined up for extensive testing next week. I'm fairly sure that it includes testing by pro's as well. I only know one of them... Surely you can guess. ;)
      Btw, if your ever online during one of these testing sessions I'll make sure to shoot you an invite if there's room. I'm fairly positive you'd enjoy it.
    2. iRaynne
      Its been a while friend, what is up dawg?
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      Ohhh that's what you meant by winning with assists. Interesting.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      Hm. That both piques my interest and worries me (because there's no sniper rifle).
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      So it's really, really barebones?
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      Is it standard weapon spawns?
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      Which would automatically disqualify it from mutliplayer matchmaking, even if it is just splitscreen.

    8. SargeantSarcasm
      Rofl, which is why I play a TV show or movie while I play FFMM.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      10 done. I can easily do the four today.

      I figured out ways to (relatively) quickly finish some of the daily challenges, like the needler/combine one.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      I only go into SWAT if my party wants to, TS is getting boring, or I have an hour to finish a daily challenge.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      See, I don't deviate, I only play Team Slayer and occasionally Team SWAT. lol
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I NEVER do 1v1s. Never have in any game. I've never been a clutch player. I'm damn good, and use a lot of deception, but the idea of a 1v1 is inferior to me (as a player) when I shine in team games.

      I heard about the fix recently, don't know where. I didn't really know there was even an issue (since I hadn't seen powerups in Reach matchmaking much). But that's a good sign as it means Bungie is slowly fixing the various glitches within Forge.

      Also, I have one gameplay video on my channel that you've probably seen, the one on boardwalk where I completely confused a guy who was hunting me down. I posted it on FH too.

      edit: WHOA youtube links, even encoded post directly.

      YouTube - Tactical Retreat
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      I do actually, I have one from last week that I'm going to do a commentary on.

      It's not the strongest game in terms of showing my sniping ability (as asylum has lines of sight that don't particularly afford the ability to save teammates across the map) but it was against a team of people that were trashtalking before, during and after the game despite getting owned by everyone on my team.

      I'll probably do one a week. I'd do more but exporting from the cap program in .h264 takes forever, then exporting the final video with audio takes even longer.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      How many shots do you reckon you miss?

      In a good game I miss one out of 15 (generally) and good games are (and I'm being generous to "bad games" since they happen in streaks) maybe 3/5 games I play.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      I stopped playing Team Snipers and my sniper k/d went up from 0.99 to 1.57 after a month. rofl.
    16. mastersync23
      Sounds good. As long as it's convenient for you, sure thing. I've just started my summer holidays, so time is now in abundance.
    17. mastersync23
      Sorry for the really late reply, but sure, the more the better :P

      Are you going to be on any time soon?
    18. Shock Theta
    19. Shock Theta
    20. mastersync23
      Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Pegasi. Hey. Hey Pegasi. Pegasi. Hey.

      Come playtest my invasion map 'Mellow Yellow', pl0x.
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    London, UK
    Oh Globbits