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Ancient, Male, from Alberta

Senior Member
    1. zConviction
      When were you planning to make another L4D map? Just Curious. ^_^
    2. Noxiw
      Well, I had hoped for this to be "cinematic", with multiple angles and panning and the such, so I can't imagine that would work in one or two full videos, so I guess we'll go with option two, unless I am interpreting option one incorrectly. Option two is fine though, I've been working on this since november, what's one more week. :)
    3. Noxiw
      Yeah, that's kind of what I figured, alrighty, i'll send you a message soon with some specifics.
    4. Noxiw
      Hey there Rifte, so, I'm ready to post my puzzle now, (for real this time, I had to overhaul a pretty large portion of it last time I said that.) Anyway, would it be easier for you if I had a bunch of pre-recorded clips in my fileshare, or just the full length film? If you want the whole film I could easily tell you some general things I want the video to show and things I don't want it to show. Let me know, either will work for me.

      Thanks! :D
    5. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Hey, Rifte. I'm hosting a UNSC Magnitude testing party sometime this weekend. I was wondering if you'd like to come and try it out. I have a surprise that I did to the frigate between the sneak peek and now. Anyways, I'd think it would be awesome if you'd come out and test my frigate!

      Maxx Ray 006
    6. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      Ay I understand completely.
      I was chasing skirts like crazy at your age and didn't start playing live until college.
      Definitely agree, you did bring forward some unique video editing skills, and I always respected your creativity. You always have a legacy to come back to.
      Best of luck Rif
    7. Xang
      I could finish it in a day or 2 if you want. I'm currently playing a lot of WoW, If your really that bored though I`ll get it done.
    8. Noxiw
      It's all good, shouldn't be too long until I have the finished product, and then whenever you get to it is fine really.
    9. Noxiw
      Wow... fail on my part... Hahaha, I'm still undecided on the song, plus, I've had to make some last minute changes to the map... I'll let you know more when I know more. :)
    10. Noxiw
      What song? I was kind of hoping to do the editing myself, but if you want to that's cool too. I just don't have a way of capturing any of the videos. =\

      EDIT: As much of a control freak that I am, it probably will be better if you do the editing, in terms of quality (I've seen your other videos) and publicity (being that you have a popular youtube channel). Theres no rush on it though, so whenever you get around to it is fine.

      Thanks again.
    11. Eclipse240
      Hey Rifte, Thanks for your vids man, those really helped me out in my maps. Hope we could play one day. Thanks again :)
    12. Noxiw
      Hey there Rifte, with my final days of testing and tweaking to my puzzle map, I've recorded around 30 clips that are between 2 and 10 seconds long. If you're still willing to help me capture them, that would be great. If not, I understand completely, let me know. :)

    13. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      lol, nahh. I just wanted to show sarge the really cool ladder thing. thanks tho.
    14. Tedium
      Well that's embarrassing. Thanks for letting me know. Again.
    15. Draco Cosimo
      Draco Cosimo
      Hello, I'm kind of a fan of your work. You've done a lot of good in terms of inspiration for me, thanks. Sorry, this is kind of like conversing with the Gandalf of the Forging community, uber-powerful and influential. Have a happy New Year.
    16. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Im limited on space so a new tv wouldnt work too well for me :/
    17. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      What's your setup like with your Hauppauge? I just got one and I realized my tv doesnt support component video in.
    18. Reign
      I used to think that the "t" in your name was a "l"...lol.
    19. The Farting One
      The Farting One
      Thanks for the advice, I'll be looking at plenty of reviews and such and I'm pretty sure the DVC 100 will be my best choice. The price is great, my TV can only do 480p HD anyways :P, and I definitely don't have a $1,000+ super computer, so I guess I'll have to work with what I got. I jsut have a few more questions though, is the Sony Vegas Platinum Pro really supposed to be almost $100? I was expecting it to be cheaper, but like I said before I can only work with what I have. Btw it will be a serious/action machinima, not a little 2 min funny one so that's why I was kinda concerned about how high of quality I could get. And just to make sure, the Sony Vegas is the only EDITING software I'll need for music, voices, and putting the recorded video together, etc, right? Please tell me if there is anything in general I should know before I get to making the machinima (I'm an amateur with no experience, of course). Thanks again for the help.
    20. The Farting One
      The Farting One
      Rifte, I'm planning on starting a machinima that I've been planning for the past couple months and I was wondering if you a had a recommendation for a good capture card. I was planning on getting a Dazzle Platinum for $100 but I'm wondering whether I should just throw in another $100 and get something like a Black Magic HD (the one Rooster Teeth uses). And if you have a recommendation for an affordable editing program, I'd be grateful to hear about it.

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