rusty eagle
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May 28, 2016 at 5:21 PM
Dec 11, 2007
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rusty eagle

Ancient, from Georgia

Senior Member
rusty eagle was last seen:
May 28, 2016
    1. LD
      Not yet =/
    2. Vicious Vice
      Vicious Vice
      After this movie i got to show it to you. its kinda cool
    3. chrstphrbrnnn
      Are you really arguing that people on forge hub don't kiss ass and vote for their friends crappy maps rusty? I'm very saddened :(
    4. SecretSchnitzel
      Wall of lawl. Ouch. :P
    5. SecretSchnitzel
      Wow, you really had to try to take it to a new level huh? I at least tried to address you in a respectful manner, but apparently respect isn't something you've learned to understand yet in life. The fact remains that a lot of people only voted for their friends, and I singled those individuals out because they were conveniently all bunched together in consecutive posts.
      "Shove it up my ass"? Seriously, you a little upset? Your taking things a little too seriously. This is a forum... FORUM. Its on the internet. You don't know me, I can't affect you. I'm sorry that your real life must be so pitiful that you have to resort to trolling on the internet to get your kicks. Congratulations, your an ass hat. ;)
    6. SecretSchnitzel
      Dude, I really don't appreciate your accusation of me being a self centered egotist. All I'm stressing is that people do nothing but vote for their friends maps. I'm guilty too, as I only voted for two maps... But the thing is, people here vote for their friends maps and almost nothing else. Its fine when the map is actually good, as is the case with Essence and Blockade, but when friends aren't honest about the quality of the maps its a really bad thing. My forge clique and I are honest with each other, we criticize and tear each other's maps apart and play test the living hell outa them. Most other forgers don't. Hell, most people here can't take a lick of criticism.
      Anyhow, please dude, drop the agenda against me. I'm a nice guy but I'm extremely blunt. Don't hold it against me.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      speaking of RDR, have you seen this?
    8. SargeantSarcasm
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      Hobo body art? lol
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Not to the same extent either. There's a blatant part where it happens, which is where I got the idea to do it for this.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      The story I wrote for io9 (that I submitted the other day for their contest) is in the same style, but it's a drama.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      Sorry, running a testing session.

      Anyway. I was thinking of expanding her character more, maybe even switching to her thought process, but I like her being mysterious and unknown, really adds to the protagonist being all weird.

      And more like it in what way?
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      K, skype or email?
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      Care to read a story? Short. Just need an opinion on ending or continuing it.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      "So Essias, is it true that for your next big film you're going with a complete unknown, someone who hasn't even acted before?"
      "um well, you see...::pause:: everyone acts at some point in their lives, most people just happen to call that lying"
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      appreciation is appreciation and money is money.
    17. SargeantSarcasm
      already getting commissions :O
    18. LD
      how much for the 'picture' itself? I'd really like one like no 2 or no 4, but with blossoms
    19. LD
      And I demand cookies

      I would love to have one, the problem is, I'm in good old germany and the shipping would be a little pricy, also, I have no girl friend at the moment that could give you a blow job and a ***** to do that would be even more expensive to ship =/
    20. B3NW
      I find it ironic you got a warning for spam and not an infraction for insulting other members. -.-
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    rusty eagIe
    Ultimate frisbee, sailing, adventures, etc...


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    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> RUSTY EAGLE
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> SEX POSITION
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm> AND PART-TIME MAP DOCTOR

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> At your service

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:57 pm>"It seems they're still getting spawn trapped..."

    [rusty eagle] <10:57 pm> hahahaha

    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "Nurse, I'm going to prescribe something unorthodox"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "What is it doctor?"
    [SargeantSarcasm] <10:58 pm> "sit on my face and defecate on my chest"

    [rusty eagle] <10:59 pm> hahahahahhahahahhahhhahaah