The Farting One
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Jan 21, 2012 at 10:42 AM
Oct 24, 2010
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The Farting One

Forerunner, from At a desk, in front of a computer.

The Farting One was last seen:
Jan 21, 2012
    1. serumembryo
      All the way
    2. Hogframe
      Nice. We're brainstorming now.
    3. Hogframe
      What about I Flatulated?
    4. Hogframe
      I second whatever Mocha just said, you comedic bastard.
    5. serumembryo
      I love your avatar and name
    6. Rifte
      Yes, platinum pro will do all that. It's a great program for begginers; not overly complicated and it sets up a lot of the stuff for you. But honestly, if I were you I would get it for free... just do a youtube search of 'get sony vegas platinum pro 9.0' free or whatever as you're using it for 'educational' purposes. As long as you're not using it for commercial use(actually making money off this), you'll be fine. I did it for sony vegas platinum pro and 10.

      ... or you could buy it legally and use 100 bucks on top of the cap card.
    7. Rifte
      part 2; message was too long :P

      If you want just a regular dazzle, IMO get the DVC 100. It's the cheapest variant but tbh they're all the same it's just that the programs that come with them are all a bit different. The deafult program is Pinnacle DVD Recorder but it records in DVD format (.ifo and .vob) which only a few video editing programs can read, the only one I know is Sony Vegas Platinum Pro... it's cheap and works well for someone just starting out but if you don't have it you could easily change the format with SUPER video converter or whatever.

      I'm getting a Hauppauge in a couple days. ^.^ but anyways yeah, watch reviews before you decide.
    8. Rifte
      I would do your homework before purchasing anything, if you're looking into HD cap cards, get either the Hauppauge HD PVR or Black Magic Intensity Pro. Black Magic is the better of the two from what I've heard, but the specs for it are absolutely ridiculous. Unless you've got a 5 grand super computer, don't bother. Plus the only way you'll really notice a quality difference is if you had the black magic set to uncompressed but that would probably destroy your comp anyways. Also customer service comes into play and where Black Magic is "it doesn't work? You probably did something to it." Hauppauge is "it doesn't work? We can send you a new one if you like."
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    At a desk, in front of a computer.


    Complex (Urban Invasion)- Progress halted, 20% complete but may be scrapped in favor of a new urban map idea.