Sep 20, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from Alberta

Senior Member
    1. Hat
      Alright, just send me a message if you reconsider.
    2. Hat
      Hey Rifte, i was looking for a forging partner for a map i wanted to make. Since you seem to be a good aesthetic forger, and your No Hope series is very popular. I was thinking that you could help me with my own zombie game idea. Send me a message if your interested.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      Blah, I thought there was an option for that. Was planning a linear infection map and that was my crux. That solution is a bit cumbersome but I guess it'll work.

      And yeah I hear ya, just the closer to perfection, the better.
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      Anyway, your infection maps. (And I haven't played them yet so I'm not sure if this is particularly the case) but why don't you use a safe havens custom instead of standard infection to keep players moving?
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      You're good. I just don't want to pass leader around to random people.
    6. Noxiw
      Well, I'm hoping for it to have similar qualities as the video for Poseidon's Lair does. I think I may try my hand at editing it, I just need someone who can cap it.

    7. Noxiw
      I've been working on a puzzle map for about a month now, and its almost to the testing point. Then before I post it I would like to have a cool video to go alongside. :)
    8. Noxiw
      it won't be for a while, just trying to locate someone who would be willing to help out. So thanks. :)
    9. Noxiw
      Hey there Mishtah Rifte, quick question for you, do you have a capture card? If so, would you be so lovely to work with me on a video for a map I'm just about finished with?

      If not, it's completely cool.

    10. Organite
      I understand.
      But in all technicality, getting a 5/10 here is like getting a 70%
      At least by our standards.

      It doesn't help being raised to understand to the standard anything below 70 is fail; 80 is average; 90 is good; 100 is excellent.

      Here it's like 50 is average; 60 is good; 70 is better than good; 80 is great; 90 is amazing; 100 is utterly perfect.

      Either way, your score was great in this case. Could I change the scores it would indeed be higher, but you utilized the review in the way it should have. As a resource to better yourself and your creation. Most people complain about us being unfair and rude but fail to see our true mission where you did.

      I commend you for that.
    11. Kyler
    12. Organite
      No problem rifte.

      Despite those issues your map still got an exceptionally good score.

      I can't really change the score for sake of staying in sync with the site update but if I remember right your 8.2 was the highest score out of the reviews this cycle.

      I know in your eyes 8.2 probably looks like a B- but have you read that article at the bottom of our reviews?
    13. cory21
      Hey, I just saw your video for Voice/Body actors. I'll be a body actor if you need any more.

      And yes, I have Military Police.
    14. Shatakai
      Sorry that I'm little unorganized, but could you cast your vote for the game of the year thread in the poll that's now up? Thanks.
    15. chidopablo
      hey how can i add you to my friends
    16. hllayaethan
      hi thanks for the help. I went to image shack and imported the image. it gave me a hole lot of links and names of my image. After that i tried uploading the image to my post and nothing happened. The name of my map is Island V.01 in the competitive section of halo reach maps. The main image wont upload can you please help? Thanks.
    17. hllayaethan
      Hello. I'm new to forgehub and I have a question. I do not know how to post a map. I was hoping that you could help me out. By the way I saw your videos on YouTube. I liked the video when you explained how to make the drop pods. Anyways thanks and have a great day.
    18. Keg
      i like your tut for drop pods on youtube.. intresting i saw you here
    19. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      So I am really considering driving ALL the way to Canada just to shake your hand!
      Hell of a job on the video my friend.
      So now just to make it public and I'll hand it over to 343.
    20. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      No worries, I got a message from bs Angel, they will be doing that feature within the next week or 2. So we got time.
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    June 3
    rifte gifle
