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Feb 6, 2011 at 7:18 PM
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L0d3x was last seen:
Feb 6, 2011
    1. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      It's not that I view your opinion as invalid, I just feel as though the community as a whole doesn't fully appreciate the level of complexity it takes to make a good design that is also aesthetically pleasing.

      Perhaps it's my own feelings that I find my maps to be aesthetically lackluster but with a quality design. As a result people tend to disregard my maps since they're not eye popping enough.

      I just feel like the truly quality designs are not getting the respect they deserve since not enough time was spent on aesthetics, and that bothers me.
    2. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      There's 2 very important part of a "official" Level Design. The core of the design and the artistic elements. Bungie shows us this all the time with their clever designs and amazing visuals. Though if bungie was forced to build their greats in Forge they would probably be criticized for the lack of aesthetics.

      The line is a fine one with forge, and I think it's a shame so many people place such a high priority on Aesthetics, when the core of the design is truly what makes for a varied and enjoyable experience.
    3. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      lol, this could go on forever so I'll just end it here.

      Competetive map design is completely different from single player design. Congrats on your single player map, it sure is nice working in a real map editor instead of a piece layer huh?

      Comparing a 1v1/2v2 map like sequence to a 4v4 map is just silly. The two are completely different in both design practice and execution. With a smaller map you have more room to improve aesthetics, since less of your resources are being spent on design elements.

      You're really not going to convince me of anything. I've seen enough jaw dropping aesthetics to know what a map of quality design and aesthetic greatness is. Vanilla is a perfect example of this.

      GunnerGrunt is a "king" of aesthetics. He does things with forge that no one else would have considered. Vanilla does this all over. Though we found out the harsh truth about forge with Vanilla. You can't overload the map with objects or else the framerate will be atrocious.
    4. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Form follows function. A great design does not needs visually impressive aesthetics.

      With Reach's forge we have a new swarm of issues we must deal with. Placing a high priority on aesthetic features is childish when we're essentially building complex levels out of gray blocks. We simply do not have the tools needed to build "Aesthetic wonders" and instead must place all of our very limited resources into design improvements.

      I never neglected Aesthetics, in fact I think that clever use of aesthetic touches that improve gameplay are pivotal to a maps design. Perhaps you should read one of my reviews before you start critiquing my ability to comprehend the importance of aesthetics.

      Don't mess with the big boys, especially when you have no merit to say you "have a good comprehension on design" because judging by your map, you have no idea what goes into a proper design.
    5. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Or perhaps my standards are so high that I can look past eye candy meant to distract the lesser minds out there and look at the design as a whole.
    6. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Make sure to PM, I don't have much xbox time atm, but I would be more than happy to look at those maps if you could link me too them.
    7. TympanicMetal
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