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Jan 17, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Sep 20, 2009
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Jun 11, 1990 (Age: 34)

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Drunken Bantersaurus Rex

Forge Critic Senior Member

Looking through my newsfeed... a lot of you like to swear at me :| Mar 13, 2015

Stevo was last seen:
Jan 17, 2023
    1. Juanez Sanchez
      Juanez Sanchez
      Hey Stevo, you tested my covenant ship yesterday, Silent Barbarian, was wondering if you could forward the film of that to me? would be super-helpful. Cheers Mate!
    2. MattKestrel
      Hey, let me know if you're testing my map tomorrow for TG. I'll see if I can dig up my mic, it's in my room somewhere. :P
    3. valhalla141
      i sent u a pm could you plz respond it woud really mean alot
    4. Craft Matic Man
      Craft Matic Man
      koodoos on purple!
    5. TheUnseenForce
      Want to test maps sometime in the near future? Maybe we can get some more attention for Get yer Bone. I might end up posting it on this site. (The original, not my new one.)
    6. Skisma
      hey im online..invite me!
    7. MattKestrel
      Only just saw your comment, much appreciated. Also fyi, I'm putting up a much, much bigger version onto forgehub as a preview, maybe tomorrow. I'll probably organise some Testers Guild stuff for it later. :)
    8. Neoshadow
      I didnt realise I overdid the cakes...D:

      Yeah I was thinking of building one, but Id be nervous after spending a couple of hundred on parts for them to break on me....

      Ill have to figure this out though. Ill need to weigh out prices, performance e.t.c before deciding what to do...
    9. Neoshadow
      You b trolling my cakes. I respond with this:


      This is what happens when google fails me.

      On another note, how easy is it to build a computer? Or how hard? Ive heard people say its **** easy, but so is everything when you know how to do it...
    10. Neoshadow
      Yesh ill add you, once the time is right....:Coolfaic:

      Im strongly considering dropping everything I want money-wise right now and go for a Gaming PC. I just dont know yet, but that quote has helped.

      Thanks! :D <3

      EDIT: Ive found the computer for me:


      Its amazing what technology is like these days. :P
    11. Neoshadow

      Well everyone likes cake.
      Its a great map. Whats strange is the utter flood of maps lately though. People throw maps together in 5 minutes and submit them. Some of the maps recently posted are...ambitious.

      Completely Unrelated:


      I will recreate this in house form and live in it.
    12. Neoshadow

      I am ENVYous of your cake. Cwutididthar?
    13. Neoshadow
      This conversation is now about Cake. And not purple cake either. Just so thats clear.
    14. Neoshadow
      Im in yo' profilez, stealing yo' purplez.
    15. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Just got to commander and it's midnight so I'm gonna sleep. Did you like the video?
    16. Hat
      Don't worry, you are loyal enough.
    17. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Oh nevermind mate. It's almost finished transferring.
    18. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Ok doki. Ill upload to my youtube account as well to spread the word. Did you want to preview the video before you release it?
    19. Hat
      Purp Da Durp? It seems like so many people are getting purple nowadays...
    20. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      the chat box is awesome, you should got there
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  • About

    Jun 11, 1990 (Age: 34)
    I am the Steve.


    I like bacon... on bacon... in bacon... dressed with bacon.
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