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Jul 5, 2012 at 1:38 PM
Jun 8, 2010
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Forerunner, from Somewhere...

Kyler was last seen:
Jul 5, 2012
    1. Hogframe
      Remakes with high downloads and relatively few Likes.

      The Pit (56,493)

      Guardian (35,070)

      Hang 'em High (60,384)

      Beaver Creek (42,235)

      Lockout (42,862)
    2. Hogframe
      "Could you tell some of your friends to stop being royal douches?"

      I never called you a royal douche. You're actually one of the few mature dudes I know on XBL, so no offense meant. We're cool?
    3. Hogframe
      Could you tell some of your friends to stop being royal douches? I just saw the "Backwater Creek" thread, and I was in no way impressed by the way you ganged up on anyone who tried to tell you guys how to improve your map. This kind of behavior is un-freaking-acceptable on Forgehub, especcialy seeing as how [some of] you guys are pretty well known here, and should be serving as good role models for the 10,000 or so new members who've been over at B-net for most of their life.

      Set a good example. The fact that you and the other guys made a few maps of questionably good quality does not give you the right to gang up on other members.

    4. Dulden
      Cant play today, busy, also won't be on tomorrow because I got grounded for being on so late. Cya tuesday, hope you get the map posted.
    5. CaptnSTFU
      Dude that Blaze guy needs to get off his period lol i love how he still acts like he didn't act all douch-o-rific lol.
    6. Dulden
      yeah lol I had to re upload it with tinypic cause you can't use the sig uploader twice
    7. Dulden
      Check it out!
    8. serumembryo
      Killmore, I have made a mini game map that needs testing. Since im to lazy to make a TG thread for map and have some lousy new member test it, I asked you. Why? Because your my friend and I have no mic. How gameplay works is there is a hog with a safe haven on it, 3 humans drive the hog. The zombies (invulnerable) have concussion rifles. They use them on the hog to flip it over. When the hog is flipped over, the humans are vulnerable because they are not in a safe haven. Zombies use their guns to kill them. The game should only be 10 players. Im online right now and I just sent you a message to check this. I would really appreciate this.
    9. L337 Commando
    10. Hogframe
      Oh noes!

      It appears that some chimpanzee copied your map and made a realy uninformative thread on it! I swear, new members are posting better threads. I say we find out who did this and hang him by the balls!

      *Looks at thread author*

      Oh...It's...a very nice thread.
    11. Hogframe
      OMG You have a cool Sig.
    12. serumembryo
      Mr Doctor, how many licks does it get to the center of the tootsie pop?
    13. patrickcanttype
    14. Hat
    15. serumembryo
      Lol, new sig perhaps?
    16. Hat
    17. Hat
      It wasn't even that funny. If you're going to sig quote something, don't do something that every single other person has already seen and probably sig qouted them selves at one time or another.
    18. Hogframe
      You need to follow the rules you stinking pile of ****...

      But all Lols aside, we can finally do Reach together over Live. I shall use my honed skills to rape your face. (btw, DMR is really powerful. Not BR powerful, but just powerful.)
    19. Hat
      Dude the quote in your sig is so old.
    20. sniperjohn101
      sniperjohn101 will snipe u Dr Killmore
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    November 20
    Kyler X2