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Apr 23, 2008
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Jan 2, 1986 (Age: 39)
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Rochester, NY

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Jill Sandwich, Male, from Rochester, NY

Senior Member
thesilencebroken was last seen:
Feb 21, 2023
    1. Adelyss
      I was your 35th download...pretty sad considering it's way better than elite slayer
    2. Adelyss
      You should give me the Covy Slayer gametype you made sometime when you're on....It's way better than Elite slayer
    3. Pegasi
      Yeah, as a Sniper I strangely don't like Hemorrhage that much. Basically I think the Snipers are too important, when I don't have one I feel useless and not inclined to venture far from base, and when I do I feel like it's all on me to get a safer push for my team and any significant kills tbh. Maybe vehicles would be the redeeming aspect of gameplay if I were inclined or even able to use them without massively sucking lol.
    4. Pegasi
      I guess because it is smaller tbh, I haven't played Ascension enough to appreciate how integral the Banshee was, but in a way I think that leaves me fully unhindered by memory when I say that a Banshee would not work at all on Pinnacle imo.

      However, it does seem odd how they've really neglected vehicles on the maps overall in comparison to 3. I saw a bitching video from some guy about Reach on youtube, and that was the single thing I actually agreed with. As you know, I'm the anti vehicle *****, but I still think it's a bit of a slap in the face to one thing which Halo has going for it above all other shooters imo: beautiful vehicle integration without being superweapons or useless.
    5. Pegasi
      I never played H2 anywhere near enough to judge, but everyone I've talked to who did seems to feel the same way (and if they don't I punch them until they agree that Pinnacle sucks).

      From what I can judge: spawning like that would make any design unplayable (hey guys, let's just ignore Banshee completely when spawning this map!), it seems smaller than Ascension looked (though again that's only judging from videos) which makes battles more like a cluster**** around top mid, and shrinks the proportions for cross map battles. But I guess in large part it could be down to Reach just being pretty different, noticeably slower player speed (or noticeably faster but only at times due to Sprint) could well ruin the flow from the original.

      But honestly, idk, it's hard to imagine what could make a map that so many people seemed to love in to the pile of utter crap that we have before us today.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      yeah he became a total ass after a while.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      He better lol.

      I liked Miguel before he went corrupt.
    8. SargeantSarcasm

      that's my main gripe, she has such a whiny face and acting style.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      What do you think of his accomplice? I don't really like her.
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      it had me, my mom and my sister laughing so hard.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      okay yeah those two events had me thinking the exact same thing. Although the latter was more than redeemed by Masuka's pantomime.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      I understand what you're saying, but I prefer not knowing what the grand arc. I honestly don't know what's going to happen by season's end. Every year before I could tell you that X person is going to die because they are the primary antagonist, there is no clear lingering enemy this round, just a bunch of obstacles. Quinn is more of a side-story that seems like it's going to explode (which I prefer), as opposed to a simmering situation that's going to boil then take itself out.
    13. Linubidix
      I'm ready for what you can dish out, after all, I don't have a shotgun, hammer and 2 maulers :P
    14. Linubidix
    15. Linubidix
      Hey man, could you do me a big favor and if you don't I'll hate you forever.
      Being that I've had very little chance at outsider opinions on Elixir, could you have a look at it? Spawns, gametypes, weapons, etc. I've had limited experience with customs and testing maps in Reach; you haven't and I'd like to exploit that.

      So what I'm asking from you is to just have a look at it, feel free to tweak anything and I'd deeply appreciate you feedback. I'll credit you when I'm able to post it.

      Latest version is on the file share and I'd love you forever even more if you even played a game or two.
    16. Skisma
      Oh ok, I'm about to set it up for Slayer, Headhunter and maybe somethin else before I go to bed. I didn't realize how long Kill Zone takes to set up, otherwise I would probably have everything ready by now. Anyways, see ya tomorrow;)
    17. Skisma
      Haha sweet, good to know your excited. I hope I don't disappoint you, lol. Your FR is full on XBL so I can't add you..
    18. Skisma
      Ok sounds good.
    19. Nobody Worthy
    20. Skisma
      Hey I forgot to add you. I'll send you a friend request when I get off work.