Bobby Kraft
Last Activity:
May 23, 2011 at 7:18 AM
Oct 25, 2010
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Bobby Kraft

Forerunner, from Brockton

Bobby Kraft was last seen:
May 23, 2011
    1. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      So I have posted maps for review, tried to get help for working on a custom gametype, posted maps for others to download and basicllay just bided my time awaiting responses to these posts. I must not be "cool" enough for forge hub because I keep getting the cold shoulder and standoffish type of repsonses to whatever I post and however I post. NO feedback on any maps submitted to the review hub, barely any feedback on any of my maps posted, and generally I feel I have just flat out wasted my time. The feedback I get has been just useless trolls for the most part and after being here for a couple months I have only found a few select people that seem decent..... its just sad.
    2. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      i give up . . .
    3. timmypanic
      Hello! Have downloaded your map ...Look forward to testing out! Have you had a look at my new map yet?
    4. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      Elongation (*contest submission) The conveyor belt area does spawn boxes every ten seconds down the line to emulate the belt filling up, also the initial spawns are EXACTLY the same as H2 ENJOY!
    5. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      Welcome to my home page! I'm new to Forge Hub but just give me some time as I will be adding links to many of my maps VERY soon. BUT for now if ya wanna tatse of what im working with just hop over to the remake contest thread and DL my rendition of Elongation :) LINKS COMING SOON!!!!
    6. Bobby Kraft
      Bobby Kraft
      If you look on the remake contest thread you will see my rendition of elongation. I will be putting more links to my maps on my homepage thru this week so you will have plenty to look at (i have about 50 maps)
    7. timmypanic
      Thanks for the feedback! Just put a new map on now! Let me know what you think if you get a chance! Thanks! Do you have any maps up on here for me to put through there paces? :)
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  • About

    self employed
    Bobby Kraft v3
    I play all types of games from board to console/pc all up to and including sports. I'm 31 with 2 kids, they are my everything. If you took the time to read this then get at me here on on XBL since I dont mind meeting fellow halo players (my friends suck and play black ops, I do still like BLOPS dont take it the wrong way lol). I forge, play matchmaking, and try to experience all that reach offers. I'm a serious gamer that likes to also just say "the heck with it" too and just play for fun.

    more things but they dont fit in this little box