Such a great song, er... album- scratch that; band. I also just noticed that your profile pic was some of their album art. Very nice :)
Dammit, I thought we bumped the owls then RST had to go and post more =P And, I hope he doesn't do what Forgegod did and work hard enough to get in but do nothing afterward. For one, I think that once we start getting some reviews out there again it will encourage applicants. For two, I think the community seeing a new face in RH actually posting will encourage applicants. Even if we can get a few in-and-outers, at least we'll get some decent reviews out there and eventually some devoted long term members.
people would cringe if you posted in their thread... oh god... your posts on my wall???!!! there would be sooo many =P Yoyo! RH is dying! Phenom is out now too ='( All we have is a violet guy, a purple guy, and a red guy. We need some new (albeit competent) blood on the front.
nonetheless the bawssiness is there. on another note, Am I the only one who misses that 10 last visitors thing on personal pages?
You should figure out a way to align it with the other forum options or at least align it above them to make it look more 'official'
It wasn't mine. It was some guy who was spamming the chatbox asking for someone to delete his threads.