Hey, I updated the Streets so that it is now unbreakable and you can't skip the building/camp in it anymore. I don't really care if you add that to a new overall score but just thought I'd tell ya. Thanks for the review though man.
Admin. I'll probably never even be considered for that position because Tz would be like the best ever, and im not sure if i even want it. I really like writing :P EDIT: or just being trusted enough for personal confidence.
influence =/= having the information needed to help :) My issue is that i just need something to start with. Im not creative or original at all, everything i do is combining and changing other peoples ideas and making them flawless. So i dont try to be a creative guy, i do my best to help other people look better. But im not in a position to do that! D:<
To continue our discussion; Yeah, i guess you could say we do sorta. Me, personally, I prefer to help make sure everything works. Im not a control freak i just like to know whats going to happen, because i am very adept at averting disasters with planning. Its my thing ;)
I find myself with three puscifer songs, about 1/3 APC, and almost EVERY tool song. The Humbling River (because i seem to be able to do anything under the sun except the one thing i want (/sexualinnuendo,)) Potions (i got out of an abusive relationship and it took forever to recover, this song helped,) and Momma Sed (****in' awesome.) APC is great to listen to when i'm feeling incredibly emotional n stuff, or just pissed off. Tool relates strongly to my entire world-view lol. Pretty much shifted everything i believe to what it is now.
I KNOW, i really hope that ***** guy is good. My guess is that he will be really active for a few months, then fade out. But the point is to get other people interested and show how we help everybody, and i think he will do a good job of that. His writing style is friendly n stuff, based more on helping that judging.
Not really, but it caused a huge tax on the server. Which truly is an invalid argument, because our servers were super-sized a while back. But still, idk. Talk to Shock if you want it back, its his call. Also, look at the effing .gif that SOMEONE posted on my wall.... god............