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Sep 17, 2008
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Ladnil was last seen:
Aug 19, 2020
    1. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Oh not at all...


      I honestly think i have yet to write a map feature without making one TINY mistake lol. I was hoping i had it, but no :(
    2. Pegasi
      Dr. Sanjeev to the burns ward, please.
    3. Devil95
      1:33 is equal to 1Hr 33Mins. thats what threatre shows at least. I work on one map. If I don't like it, I delete it and move on to another idea. And then over and over.
    4. Pegasi
      Lol, yeah tomorrow or just whenever you're free (good luck with work btw, funny thing is that I genuinely miss coursework...). Now it looks like I'm finally gonna enjoy playing MLG and not be disappointedly pressing my X button all the time, you'll be hard pushed to stop me :P.
    5. Pegasi
      You up for some celebratory customs tomorrow night? I should already be in bed tonight, my hours were shifted so I have to be up at 6am tomorrow, otherwise I'd demand to play right now :P.
    6. Mischgasm
      Genome is amazing and beautiful. Make more :)
    7. ProtoFury
      Thanks. It appears there's no accountig for intelligence level there.
    8. Pegasi
      Wherever tbh, as long as it's true then I care not, and I can't really see you lying about it. How much do you reckon 'starting over' means?
    9. Pegasi
      Where did they say this about v2?
    10. B3NW
      Yah, post reported, I did warn you, don't complain that it is a way to shut you up, I'm simply sticking to the rules and making sure you stick to them with me :) Otherwise, why would I have told him to carry on arguing with me in PM's?

      Congrats on your post which is totally populated by biased opinion and OT.

      You think I am being a child because I argue? If anything, that makes me an adult, it's called having an opinion, and because my opinions clash with yours and others, it causes arguements, it happens.

      It's funny, because you're getting butthurt over me being butthurt. I didn't know you cared :)
    11. deadlyshotz247
      Alright next time. Hopefully see you on soon.
    12. deadlyshotz247
      Sorry if I was bothering you lastnight but I just need some help with setting up spawns. Your help and time would be much appreciated. I've seen your forging and think that your very talented, and not to toot my own horn but I am not too bad myself. So if your on and have some time to spare just give me five minutes of your time please. I'm on mostly in the pm after 9:30 est.
    13. Pegasi
      Yeah true enough, that was my thinking as a counter to the idea that increased player speed made sprint redundant. On that basis they can't see it as gamebreaking, but I know I could use it on many occassions. I've really been getting good with using it as a good juke when outnumbered. Especially on Powerhouse, it can bring a whole new strategic element to no motion tracker play, simultaneously increasing demand on both individual play whilst using it, and team work in countering it with awareness and communication.

      Sorry, I've been getting steadily more and more indignant through the course of typing this. 110% speed, sprint, 75% melée and magnum secondaries would make me infinitely happier.
    14. Pegasi
      No idea, just like 75% melee damage and plenty of other things, hadn't even thought about the Magnum though, you're damn right. This post gives me some hope, but I have no idea where he's getting this from so I don't know exactly how hopeful to be.

      I actually like AA's on map as an idea btw, just not without some starting AA's since they basically end up being like a slightly different CPU from H3. Just 110% speed and Sprint as base player traits would have made me happy enough, even if there wasn't any initial choice of loadouts (and I can see their point about everyone with holo's being kinda crazy etc).
    15. Pegasi
      Yup, the basic player setup is a bodge job IMO, and I can't see these core decisions being revised in later versions either. Tbh, I r pretty damn disappoint....
    16. Pegasi
      You seen the V1 gametypes?

      So much for hopes of weapon variety...
    17. Nondual
      Dang man, I've been insanely busy with work. Hopefully I can test this on Saturday, sorry.
    18. Nondual
      Sweet dude, I should be able to get Genome tested on Thursday after I get back from a drive. Talk to you more then.
    19. Pegasi
      Yeah, I only use it for text as well, will add you now.
    20. Pegasi
      Hey man, do you have Skype?
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