Well it basically comes down to your opinion. I don't think I was making an ass of myself and you do.
No, what you're really upset about is that I pointed out the truth about well you know 'that group' of people, well the majority of them anyway, well more like the outspoken ones that get all butt-hurt about things. I certainly wasn't going out of my way to make insults about the sexual orientation of a website, that would have been derogatory and I would have been more than understanding of why I received an infraction, which was to appease some people I made upset.
I didn't make an ass of nothing. Refute it if you can, but I pointed out the blatantly obvious truth and that is that most of the members that complained about the feature system are members of xforgery and I only made mention of xforgery when a member of xforgery advertised xforgery in a FH feature which had nothing at all to do with the map. Also those same members that continually complain only complain when their friends and/or people they've never heard get featured. Whenever it's someone that has any ties at all with staff it's deemed automatic corruption, but can't for the life of them follow through, even when I've asked, on pointing out better maps or refuting the maps feature worthy-ness besides the relative "I don't like it." So yeah, prove me wrong.
Messaging me next time you throw up SOTW would be nice :P I've been busy the past few days, I didn't see it till now.
A little too much, it could be argued. It sure beats doing any of my classwork, which is kind of a problem lol
[spoiler] RightSideTheory Mace [IMG] RightSideTheory Mace [IMG] [/spoiler] Or we could go pink? >.> lawlz.