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Nov 9, 2012 at 11:56 PM
Apr 19, 2008
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Senior Member
XDAO SoX was last seen:
Nov 9, 2012
    1. Agamer
      Dorpers gunna dorp
    2. drak
      we're number 9th?
    3. Mace
      You dont kneed photoshop to participate in teh contest. other programs such as paint or gimp can be used
    4. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      What point don't you get about "Generally ****ing awesome"?
    5. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      No, like super active.

      I don't recognize you normies easy, so if you started being super ****ing totally awesome around here you could nab a Loyal positions and I could spot you better and we'd be super happy.
    6. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Become active at ForgeHub pleeeeeeeeeeeease.

      ;_; so ronery
    7. drak
      Wazza? I'm on a blackberry 150+ miles from home, so no wars for me tonight, sorry lol
    8. Blaze
      Add and message Usuckandi that should find you strenko.
    9. brett3123
      hey I'm Brett and i wanna make a top 10 video with you. if we do a good job we can get others to participate in it=]
    10. youngian
      awe common ! i don't even know you !
    11. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      The best time for me (haven't checked with my partner, but it should be fine) is Wednesday after school (we're 2 hrs behind you), and Thursday sometime during the day (i can take a break from homework..).
    12. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Hey man, i just realized, I don't know your GT. Umm send me a FR on live. Let's plan for sometime Sunday (afternoon is best for my partner).
    13. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Alright...my parents don't let me play on during the week, so it'll have to be the weekend =/. Shall we keep trying times out during the weekend until something works?
    14. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Just to check, this Friday is our possible game night right? (2v2 tourney)
      I'll check in tomorrow and we can arrange a meeting time for sometime between Friday and Sunday.
    15. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Also if you see some spam from a newbee give them the link to Training ill fix um up
    16. A SouthPark Kid
      A SouthPark Kid
      Oh thanks i would like to stop the spamming, so i mae that
    17. Norlinsky
    18. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Oh, forgot about that lol. Thanks for reminding me = ). Yes, you are two hours ahead of us. I get home roughly 3 pm my time (5 yours). Seeing as random things may come up, should we just plan for that time, plus a bit after that (incase). I haven't checked with my partner yet, but it should work.
    19. Uc Gollum
      Uc Gollum
      Hey, I'm the team captain of "Team Minty Fresh." I believe we'll be facing you and your teammate (WB). I cannot play on weekdays, but I am 99% sure I can play on Friday. The rest of the weekend is subject to awkward times due to homework.

      My GT is UC Gollum & my teammate is Ticca Tac 2. We are located in on the West coast (PST, i believe). Umm, notify me on what times will work for you.
    20. Teerav11
      Forging Sense The Newest Halo forums website made by forgehubbers!!!
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