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Nov 18, 2011 at 5:39 PM
Oct 27, 2009
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Ancient, from CT, USA

Senior Member
AMac was last seen:
Nov 18, 2011
    1. serumembryo
      I need you to make a Mountain Dew sig for me. Make it the same graphic style as your reach weapon sig shop. I would like 3 empty Mountain Dew cans also make it green. I need it to say Mochasun on the top, same font as your sig and it says on the bottom of the cans "Needz moar dew".

      Thank you

      P.S. You are awesome at making sigs!!!
    2. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Dude, our percussion was terrible this year. I remember back, like five years, our band went and placed second (third?) at BOA super-regional grand champions, probably my freshman year of highschool.

      Btw, effing love how long all the damn names are..... /sarcasm. I've not had any time for marching percussion since i finished highschool though, its really upsetting.
    3. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Dude, i'm a battery specialist. My main two; marching snare and tympani. I love the tympani, its so fun and easy to do. Since nobody knows how to do it well i look amazing when i can do it at all lol.

      And of course i play the set like none other.
    4. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Dude, electric and mechanical engineer :3

      And, of course the most important of all, my badass drumming skills.
    5. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Yes :3

      Its been that way for EVER, i just changed my siggy lol.
    6. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      TOOL FTW

      The Grudge :D
    7. Monsta Masha
      Monsta Masha
      Heyy :) just thought I'd say thanks for the reach weapon sig you made me like a month ago :P sorry it wasn't sooner, I've just been really busy lately. Thanks :)
    8. Dulden
      hey where you been? You sig shop has about 5 requests waiting for a few weeks. People love you, you gotta keep on givin em your awesomeness.
    9. Hat
    10. Hat
      CHECK YOUR THREAD i need those urgently.
    11. Hat
    12. Hat
      indeed, indeed, but don't make it for the one i posted, because it's buried underneath a **** load of maps. Posting on it would be appreciated, and next map indeed needs fancy pictures.
    13. Hat
    14. pyro
      Banshee in 2000x1000
      [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]I only did the major lines, but I'll probably do the smaller ones later.
    15. pyro
      Those colors didn't seem to work, but I got lucky on a first try so I just used R=140 G=210 B=255 to make this. I used a lower number of points than I normally would but it turned out better than I expected. I'll give you some better ones in the future.
      [spoiler][IMG][/spoiler]Oh and I forgot how to save as a render but you probably know how to fix that.
    16. pyro
      I looked closely and that's because some of the lines are skinnier so the pixels are blurred. If you're interested, I might be able to restructure some of the more popular ones (IE whichever ones I want to use for something) to allow expanding them without loss of quality. Just a sample out of one of the thicker lines which are all the same color would be good.
    17. pyro
      Do you have the RGB content for those weapon images you make sigs with?
      I have no plans to steal your business, (I don't have the time to do all that stuff) but I'll be using those images for things later, and I use Canvas X which will not tell me the exact color of those and it's a pain in the ass trying to guess for something close.
    18. FORTR3SS
      yeah dude, i think you beat me at the sig... you did yours before mines... tell me to change if you dont like it
    19. Grave Robber
      Grave Robber
      Originally Posted by Frag Man
      "I'm one asshole you do not want to mess with. Seriously. Ask anybody in the G&A about me."

      He's pretty much correct on that one, not because we're afraid of him but rather because it's easier to ignore him or not take him seriously.
    20. Mace
      Bro, step off fragman. He's an old, famous, loved, and disgruntled member.
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  • About

    CT, USA
    17, Junior in high school, going to college for engineering (chemical?), Hockey and drumming are pretty much the biggest things in my life atm. I'm an average forger but never seem to have the drive to finish any maps, oh well it's still something I can rely to let me relax and let me fuel my desire to build things.

    Hockey, drumming, playing chicken with trains, bear wrestling, russian roulette

