Transhuman Plus
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2y 15w ago
Feb 27, 2009
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May 13, 1991 (Age: 33)
Master of Magnetism.

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Transhuman Plus


Senior Member
Transhuman Plus was last seen:
Nov 22, 2022
    1. Agamer
      Hey, do you think it would work if I can make an Australian account, and redeem one of your codes, and then buy whatever in that account and just play whatever buy off my hard drive?
    2. thesilencebroken
      Bahaha, that made my night. Thanks.
    3. RightSideTheory
      I have a $300 Yamaha that was really nice for the price. I'd suggest that name brand. Epiphone and First Act would be brands to avoid.

      My alvarez (a really odd name brand, I've never really heard of them before I got it as a gift) was $1000 or so, and it was the ****.
    4. RightSideTheory
      If you want to learn guitar, buy an acoustic. How much were you looking to spend?
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      About 1 minute before I VM'd you. I saw your avatar and Custom Titles
    6. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay

      God damn, people have got to start telling me they change their names. I thought you were some newbie who was cool n stuff and didn't afraid of anything except spiders because spiders are ****ing scary
    7. Skisma
      lol you should check it out, I'm about to post in in the next few minutes..
    8. Skisma
      Hey sorry about booting you yesterday, I was testing my map and wanted the teams to be fair..
    9. Mischgasm
      The way you talk about Black Ops, it sounds like you haven't even played the game so you just make **** up. Please tell me I'm wrong. If you have, I suggest you play it again, because the majority of things you say about it are simply not true.
    10. chrstphrbrnnn
      naw shes closed
    11. CaMOfo
    12. RightSideTheory
    13. Insane54
      YouTube - The World Is Just Awesome
    14. Agamer
      baby baby baby oooooooooh
    15. Agamer
      herp derp
    16. buddhacrane
      I heard from somebody that you like to urinate on sea mammals during the winter solstice, you sick fiend!

      P.S. please stop telling me these details about yourself, it's disturbing.
    17. CHUCK
      *way too shaky first person camera view* *pick up gun* *get up off the ground*
    18. Pegasi
      Again, this isn't so I can feel good about myself. That's your motivation here dude, remember?

      I question how acting like an angsty little child puts you in any position to ask things of me like not replying, especially when you keep making new statements to reply to. So let's try this in reverse then: don't reply to this. There, done. By your own logic this conversation is now over, and you can go on with your life. Consider this your last wasted second dude.
    19. Pegasi
      See, you genuinely think you can use the word (and I know full well what it means, resorting to petty insults once again, nice one dude) as an excuse to act like an ass. Like if you walked up to someone in the street, punched them in the face and they complained, you could call them 'sanctimonious' or 'morally elitist'. You're being a ****, you admit you're being a ****, and when I point out and criticise you for being a **** you whine about being talked down to. How does that even begin to make sense?
    20. Pegasi
      You complain about how boring and unpleasant this conversation is for you, yet you keep replying, then you accuse me of trying to have the last word? How does that even begin to make sense?

      If you judge his actions as stupid then fine, you're entitled to your opinion, but quite frankly a blanket judgement on whether that's true to the point of justifying your rudeness isn't your decision to make. I'm not pushing my own moral code on you here dude, I'm telling you that FH doesn't tolerate pointless aggression and unprovoked flaming like that. You've basically admitted you were being a **** to him, how on earth can you possibly think that's justifiable?