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Apr 23, 2008
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Jan 2, 1986 (Age: 39)
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Rochester, NY

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Jill Sandwich, Male, from Rochester, NY

Senior Member
thesilencebroken was last seen:
Feb 21, 2023
    1. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Haha, no I meant that you wrote a 1 and and I. Like this: Creep1ing.

      It's just a 1
    2. squidhands
      You did? Where was I? I do go AFK from time to time, I wouldn't ordinarily ignore an invite from you.
    3. squidhands
      One of these days I'll actually get to play with you... :-(
    4. Creeping Death
      Creeping Death
      Simply awesome. I will post in the thread when I get home from work. One quick thing though, the pic of me jacking the ghost has a small typo in my name :)
    5. Chipsinabox
      Nice remake man. I have no words for a thread post, but I dl'd it. 5/5 great job silence.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      The rocket-grab and the double-kill parts were good.

      The long clip that follows was very cool and the path it takes was great but it could've been much smoother.

      The ending clip was great.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      Segment getting the shotgun was great, showcased the map and looked cool running down the shotgun corridor. Chuck's fail death was great too.

      Swoop for stockpile was great, as was the fade to the next clip.

      Should have ended the 3:09 clip at 3:12 so that you don't see the camera adjust needlessly.

      Next stockpile clip was perfect.

      So was the third-person clip.

      The long 3:36 clip should've ended at 3:39 because it feels like nothing is happening.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
    10. SargeantSarcasm
      Camera jerky at 1:30 again.

      Cut at 1:36 was great.

      The shot at 1:40 was good, but as a viewer I would want to see the explosion. A good angle would be the swoop you did to get into the rocketeer's line of sight, then back away from him (as he runs toward the camera) and angle down as the rocket explodes.

      The fly-through to 2:13 was great. Could've used more stationary movement (as in not going down then up at the bump in the middle of the map) but it works well.

      2:20 to 2:26 was great.
    11. SargeantSarcasm
      The immediate blackout at 1:05 is jarring, a fade to black could have worked, but the choice of song (e.g. quick-paced) contradicts that a bit.

      The camera swoop immediately thereafter is a bit jerky. It should be very smooth as it goes around the corner.

      The edit-cut from the armor-lock explosion to the guy running to the camera was great. The ghost bumping the camera, however, was not. Could have elevated it as the guy was approaching the camera, then descending as it followed the ghost.

      The ghost driving off very quickly while the camera lags behind works, but it could use some tightening as mentioned before by having a quick descent and pursuit of the ghost. Where the camera ends up was great though, the ghost returning to finish off the people nearby.

      Hits the camera again at 1:27.
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      Could have just gone with a black-and-white filter and left the brightness settings as is. As for the cut off, it seemed to be synchronized with the vocals starting, so you could either have shortened the original part or lengthened it, so as to cut out the extra bit.
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      Okay first thing. The opening is too dark. I get that you're trying to contrast the dull "past" iteration of the map with the colorful, reconfigured remake. However, watching it I assumed my computer itself was too dim or that there was something wrong on my end, which you never want your audience to feel. Also, the death should be where that segment cuts off, as opposed to letting it continue for a few seconds before the reveal.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      he's reading this conversation! "decent" is enough to inflate his ego.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      oh as long as he's showcased in something he's fine with it. so still not good.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      lol chuck showed me earlier to showcase his inclusion for his ego, which didnt help when you named some spot after him lol.

      ill critique it in a bit.
    17. DunkinMyCookies
      Anytime man, like I said it was really cool that someone such as yourself brought back one of your own maps, a community favorite at that. Also it looks sexy.

      Now if you were to remake Vertabraille that would be epic indeed.
    18. CHUCK
      that metal desk nametag was my grandfathers. he was also a D. Borghese.

      you've done him honor
    19. CHUCK
    20. RightSideTheory
      Sick thread layout, bro